Education homework help

Education homework help. Minor Paper #2 – Personal Traits and Advisor Application

This course is divided in four areas:  Knowing, Being, Doing, and Sharing.

Part 1. Knowing Thyself.  

Before you can lead or advise others, you must know how to lead yourself.  This requires knowing yourself.  Sooner or later the real you will be revealed. Many leaders have been caught in unspecified sins, and when asked the question, “What were you thinking? Why did you do this?” They are often clueless.

How well you know yourself will ultimately determine how you live your life.  Not knowing yourself becomes obvious sooner or later.   You do not get to know yourself simply by growing up and growing old. Knowing yourself is a conscious effort; you do it with intention and purpose.

Students will explore how well they know-self. We are not talking about taking a personality test or learning about your family history. Neither are we talking about your favorite colors, your best childhood friend or your sports team.  We are talking about something much greater and of higher consequence. We are talking about who you are at your core, what most matters to you, what makes you come alive, what feeds your soul and what drains your spirit, and how to know the difference so you choose well as you move forward in life.

If you don’t know yourself all that well, you may still live a life in alignment with who you are but only by accident or some sheer stroke of luck. And that is too big a risk to take, so it is important that you live in alignment with who you are not by accident or luck, but rather on purpose, by intention, by design.


There are several ways individuals can discover how to know yourself well. One way to do that is to learn your values, passions and goals. Another is to ask the right questions. Farnoosh Brock, author of a blog called Prolific Living has developed 29 Questions to Self-Discovery. These questions will open the door to having a real conversation with yourself under God’s guidance. You are requested to answer these questions honestly for yourself.

When you are ready to do this, copy these questions into a text document, quiet all outside distractions, take a few deep relaxing breaths, make a great cup of tea, clear your mind of noise and clutter and dive in.

Know that there are no right or wrong answers. There is only you uncovering the process of building a closer relationship with the person within.

  1. What activity in your life lights you up with joy?
  2. What is something you always love doing, even when you are tired or rushed? Why?
  3. If a relationship or job makes you unhappy, do you choose to stay or leave?
  4. What do you fear about leaving a bad jobor a bad relationship?
  5. What do you believe is possible for you?
  6. What have you done in your life that you are most proud of?
  7. What is the thing that you are second most proud of?
  8. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
  9. How does your being here in the universe change humanity for the better?
  10. If you could have one single wish granted, what would it be?
  11. How comfortable are you with your own mortality?
  12. What is your highest core value?
  13. To your best knowledge, how do other people perceive you?
  14. How would you like others to perceive you?
  15. How confident are you in your abilities to make decisions for yourself?
  16. What is your biggest self-limiting belief?
  17. Who is the most important person in your life?
  18. Who is your greatest role model?
  19. Who is a person that you don’t like yet you spend time with?
  20. What is something that is true for you no matter what?
  21. What is your moral compass in making difficult decisions?
  22. What is one failure that you have turned into your greatest lesson?
  23. What role does gratitude play in your life?
  24. How do you feel about your parents?
  25. How is your relationship with money?
  26. How do you feel about growing old someday?
  27. What role has formal education played in your life and how do you feel about it?


Education homework help