Education homework help

Education homework help. An Effective Speaker Paper Critique of a Famous Speaker!
Assignment:  You will critique the speech performance of a famous speaker that was not watched and or discussed in class.
The analyses should be 3-5 double spaced, typed, pages with bibliography (go to Please visit the library to watch DVDs or Videos of famous speakers that are on reserved.
Or please feel to visit the following websites:, YouTube, or the Public Speaking Libguides and click on Famous Speaker Tab to view famous speeches.
Please take your time answering these questions and don’t rush through them.  Your written work should conform to accepted style guides and be free from excessive spelling and grammatical errors.
Your paper should be written in ESSAY format! Please do not answer in one word answers or type your response next to the question.  This will result in an “F” for the assignment!  Note: This is not a book report!  Answer the questions.  Failure to do so will ultimately jeopardize your grade.
In your opinion who is an effective speaker?  Please support your choice by providing illustrations, examples, facts, etc. of why this person is an effective speaker.

  • Was the speech effective?
  • How do you define effective?
  • And how does it differ from the other speaker’s effectiveness? Comparison of effectiveness is warranted in this section!


  • Did the speaker open with an introduction? Please describe the opening.
  • What were the main ideas?
  • Were the main ideas previewed?
  • Were the main ideas easy to follow and were they summarized?
  • Were the main ideas easily identified and supported?  Please provide examples and illustrations?
  • Did the speaker develop credibility with the audience?  How?
  • Did he/she use effective language, grammar, etc.?  What was it?
  • Was the speaker entertaining, informing, motivating or persuading?  Please select one and elaborate on the purpose.  Provide details.
  • Was it a conversational presentation?
  • Compare and contrast both speakers.


  • What was the goal of the messages?
  • Was the message logical and emotional?
  • Was the messages interesting?
  • What was the speaker asking the audience to do? And did they succeed? Why, why not?


  • Did the speaker use a manuscript, notes or was it memorized?  What was the style of delivery? And was it effective based upon their context and style of delivery?


  • Did the speaker have structure points, illustrations, a persuasive plan, and sources?
  • Where did the speech take place and what was the historical significance?
  • Was it a large audience, did the speaker use a podium, stand alone, use a microphone, visual aids, if so, what kind? Be specific and explain the context.


  • Was the speaker well prepared?  Explain and be descriptive!
  • What evidence led you to believe that the speaker prepared in advance?

Body language, appearance, tone:

  • Did the speaker engage his/her audience?
  • Did the speaker maintain eye contact through the camera and with the audience?
    Did the speaker use gestures effectively?  Were the gestures appropriately restrained?


  • Was the speaker neat and well groomed in appearance?
  • Was the speaker attire, appropriate?
  • Did the speaker have good posture?  Why or why not?
  • Did the speaker look confident?  Why?  Why not?


  • Did the speaker use vocal variety?
  • Was the rate of speaking appropriate and effective for both speaker?
  • Was the loudness appropriate and effective?
  • Was it colorful, memorable language?  Please explain.

Audience Orientation:

  • How did the audience react?  Was their reaction to the speaker good, bad, fair, excellent, etc.?  Please explain.
  • How did you react to the content itself?
  • Do you believe the impact of the speech would have been different had it been delivered by someone else?  Please explain.
  • Did the speech change your mind in any way?
  • Did the speech impact you enough to incorporate the ideas and plan into your daily living, or provoke you to let others know about the ideas presented?

Personal Point of View:

  • Concluding remarks reflected on meaning – provide concrete examples
  • What was your overall reaction to the speech presentation experience of the speaker?


  • If you were speaking to this particular crowd, what would you have done differently?


  • Please list three items that you would have done differently and what results would you expect.
  • List at least three strengths of the speaker during the presentation.
  • List at least three weaknesses of the speaker during the presentation.


  • What three things did the speaker do well?  What three things did he/she do that wasn’t so well?
  • What about the speech would you have changed, if anything?
  • What about the venue or audience would you have changed?
  • What about the speaker would you have changed?
  • What did you feel about the speech, the venue, and the speaker that was done well and what did you feel was done poorly?


  • Did he/she connect his/her key points?
  • In your opinion, is there anything that’s missing that should have been included?
  • Would you pay to hear these speakers?  How much?
  • Did you enjoy the speaker?  What was the “take away?”

Personal reflection……  add your thoughts and make sure that you answer all questions or you will be penalized.
A – The “A” writing assignment contains the following qualities of good writing.

  1. Careful construction and organization of sentences and paragraphs.
  2. Careful choice of effective words and phrases.
  3. Concentration on a main purpose.
  4. Adequate development of that main purpose through the use of specific details and

rhetorical devices.

  1. Careful proofreading reflected in correct grammar and spelling.
  2. A style, tone and approach clearly and successfully directed toward a specific


  1. Originality of thought and style.
  2. Correct usage of the form, structure and language of that particular type of business

B:  The “B” writing assignment contains the same elements of an “A” assignment.  It’s
ideas are clear because it contains positive qualities of good writing.  It is comparatively
free of errors in the use of English.  Although indicating competence, the “B” assignment
lacks the originality of thoughts and style that characterizes the “A” paper.
C:  The “C” writing assignment has a reasonably clear central purpose which receives
fairly adequate development.  It is satisfactorily organized and avoids serious errors in the use of English.  It may, in fact, have few correction marks on it, but it lacks the thought and expression which would entitle it to an above-average rating.  It may be lacking in any number of the above qualities of an A paper.
D:  A “D” grade indicates below-average achievement in expressing ideas correctly and effectively.  It usually contains some serious errors in the use of English and does not
Present a central idea with sufficient clarity and completeness.
F:  A grade of “F” usually indicates failure to state and develop a main idea.  It also indicates failure in structuring the assignment and failure to avoid serious errors in grammar, spelling, sentence structure and diction.  Note, if a paper does not conform to the assignment, though it might otherwise deserve an “A” or other grade, it will receive an “F.”

Education homework help