Education homework help

Education homework help.

  1. Research Proposal : Students will complete a proposal for a single subject design research study. About preschoolers with special needs students and literacy skills or peers interaction

Rubric: Components:

  • Introduction/literature review. Include at least 10 in-text references (also in Reference list at the end).
  • State your research question(s) at the end of this introduction/literature review section.
  • Methods section. Describe the following (use subtitles):
    • Setting
    • Participants
    • Type of single subject design
    • How will experimental control be managed?
    • Baseline phase
    • Intervention phase
    • Maintenance phase
    • Dependent variable(s)
    • Independent variable(s)
    • General instructional procedures (how was the independent variable taught to/employed by students?)
    • Fidelity of implementation (what percentage [e.g., 33%] of sessions were observed to document that the sessions included what was planned?)
    • If social validity was included, what did that entail?
  • Results section
    • Narrative discussion of the expected results
    • Chart of expected results
    • Percentage of non-overlapping data (PND)
    • Immediacy of the effect…was there one or not in each phase change?
    • Variability of the data within a phase. Is it close in range, or high and low across the phase?
    • Did the data demonstrate a functional relation?…level, slope, trend
  • Discussion section
    • Discuss your expected-results chart and how this ties back to the literature mentioned in your opening pages
    • Limitations of your planned study
    • Ideas for future research
  • Reference list


  • APA style, size-12 font Times New Roman
  • Double spaced
  • 8-10 pages, including cover page
  • No more than two quotes across the paper (each 2 sentences maximum)
  • Finessed text/spelling/coherence

Education homework help