Education homework help

Technology provides a way for teachers the opportunity to engage students in various topics with highly engaging and motivating ways! Virtual field trips, simulations, and videos allow students to explore different concepts within your classroom. These resources can be invaluable to inquiry-based learning and promoting higher level thinking skills. For this assignment, you will start building a resource chart for your classroom designed to allow you to explore the internet with the purpose of seeing what is already out there! Some of the best ideas to cover concepts within your classroom are on the internet. Use what is already out there! This assignment will provide you the luxury of time to start building this resource list.
Download the Technology Resource Chart Template. Open the template and review the requirements. There are two parts. The first part is a chart. The second part is a reflection.
Part One: Chart
The chart has the following headings:
• Resource
• Link
• Topic
• Grade Level(s)
• Standard
• What makes this resource engaging?
1. The Resource column is completed for you with one of the following resources:
• Website
• Virtual Simulation: a simulation for this assignment is defined as an activity in which a student must perform a virtual process (e.g. virtual frog dissection).
• Virtual Field Trip: a virtual field trip for this assignment is defined as a virtual location or set of locations in which a student must virtually travel to explore real world locations (e.g. virtual field trip to the zoo)
• YouTube Video
• A resource of your choice
You must find three links for each of the resources listed on the chart.
2. The Link column is where you copy-paste the URL for the website you find for the resource.
3. The Topic column is where you will list what topic is covered by the resource (i.e. human body, simple machines, Earth, heat energy, electricity, light, weather, animals). You must cover at least five different topics on this assignment.
4. The Grade Level(s) column is where you will place the grade level the resource is intended for.
You must cover at least two different grade levels.
5. The Standard column is where you will place the Virginia Science Standard of Learning that the resource covers.
6. The What makes this resource engaging? column is where you will list three reasons why this resource would engage your future students.
Part Two: Reflection
For this section of the template, you will respond to five questions aimed to assist you in reflecting on locating the resources, your classroom, and the assignment. All answers must be at least five complete sentences.
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 7.

Education homework help