English homework help

English homework help. Maulding
Fall 2018
Introducing Yourself Speech
2-5 minutes
“Who am I?” -Derek Zoolander, 2001.
Everyone of us is somebody. We all have elements that make us us. As we live our lives, we tend to acquire objects and artifacts that tell a portion, big or small, of who we are. This speech will explore one of those artifacts and the parts of who we are that it can represent.
One example for this could be my old car keys. I can’t bring in the car, but I can bring in the keys. They represent my independence as I became seventeen. I was able to explore more of my world with less parental involvement. I was taking another step toward adulthood. They represent my family-oriented personality. My younger sister and younger cousin both borrowed my old car to drive themselves to high school when they received their license. It connected us. My old car keys can also represent beginning my working life. I was able to start my first actual job, thanks to this car.
Try to think outside of the obvious. Instead of saying my pencil represents plastic and graphite, tell us about how it inspires you to create. Remember, your object cannot be a weapon of any kind, drug or alcohol paraphernalia, or anything that is alive.
· The speech should have an introduction, three main points, and a conclusion.
· The introduction should grab the attention of the audience, tell us about how you chose to think about yourself, tell us what object you chose, and list what your three main points will be.
· Your three main points should be the majority of your speech and should be logically chosen.
· Your conclusion should re-list the three main points, tell us again about how you chose to think about yourself, and end in a way we will remember.
· It must be clear that your speech revolves around your object and its relation to your how you see yourself.
· For this first speech, you may use an outline. This does not mean you don’t have to practice and practice some more.
· The entire speech should be between two (2) and five (5) minutes in length.
I will be grading how you:
· met the time requirements
· opened and closed the speech as explained above
· explained the artifact using three main points
Please see the grading rubric for more specific information.

English homework help

English homework help

English homework help. Maulding
Fall 2018
Introducing Yourself Speech
2-5 minutes
“Who am I?” -Derek Zoolander, 2001.
Everyone of us is somebody. We all have elements that make us us. As we live our lives, we tend to acquire objects and artifacts that tell a portion, big or small, of who we are. This speech will explore one of those artifacts and the parts of who we are that it can represent.
One example for this could be my old car keys. I can’t bring in the car, but I can bring in the keys. They represent my independence as I became seventeen. I was able to explore more of my world with less parental involvement. I was taking another step toward adulthood. They represent my family-oriented personality. My younger sister and younger cousin both borrowed my old car to drive themselves to high school when they received their license. It connected us. My old car keys can also represent beginning my working life. I was able to start my first actual job, thanks to this car.
Try to think outside of the obvious. Instead of saying my pencil represents plastic and graphite, tell us about how it inspires you to create. Remember, your object cannot be a weapon of any kind, drug or alcohol paraphernalia, or anything that is alive.
· The speech should have an introduction, three main points, and a conclusion.
· The introduction should grab the attention of the audience, tell us about how you chose to think about yourself, tell us what object you chose, and list what your three main points will be.
· Your three main points should be the majority of your speech and should be logically chosen.
· Your conclusion should re-list the three main points, tell us again about how you chose to think about yourself, and end in a way we will remember.
· It must be clear that your speech revolves around your object and its relation to your how you see yourself.
· For this first speech, you may use an outline. This does not mean you don’t have to practice and practice some more.
· The entire speech should be between two (2) and five (5) minutes in length.
I will be grading how you:
· met the time requirements
· opened and closed the speech as explained above
· explained the artifact using three main points
Please see the grading rubric for more specific information.

English homework help