English homework help

English homework help.

Journal 15

Respond, with 200-600 words, to the following prompt: Reflect on the term “activity system.” Questions to answer may include the following or more:

  • Consider how Donna Kain and Elizabeth Wardle, citing David Russell, define “activity system” (reread pages 398-399). What is your understanding of the term so far?
  • How would you explain the concept of an activity system to friends or family members?
  • What about “activity systems” do you still find difficult to understand?

Include the total word count of your response with your entry. Include only your response, and not the prompt itself, in your word count.


Journal entries can receive up to 10 points:

Word Count (8 points possible) – Entries that meet the expected word count will receive the full 8 points. Entries shorter than that will receive partial credit according to the proportion of the word count met.

Content (2 points possible) – Entries that are on-topic and demonstrate a thoughtful and complete response will receive 2 points. Entries that are on-topic but demonstrate a vague or incomplete response will receive 1 point. Off-topic responses will receive 0 points.

Discussion 9

1. What do you think, currently, about the primary threshold concept for this project unit? (“Writing helps people make meaning and get things done, but there are always constraints.”) What do you think it means? Have you thought about this concept before reading about it in our textbook? If so, in what terms, or in what way, have you thought about this idea?

2. Answer question 1 from page 406 of Writing About Writing (at the end of Kain and Wardle’s introduction to activity theory): “Explain in your own words what an activity system is, and give three examples of activity systems with which you are familiar. For each of these systems, explain what its common motives and goals are.” You may provide brief, simplified explanations of the systems’ goals, if you wish.

3. Define “genre” in your own words, then answer question 2 on page 438 of Writing About Writing (at the end of Marro’s activity analysis): “In Marro’s exploration of how her sorority and another fraternity used the GIN system, how does she help you understand how genres are created by those who use them; reflect their users’ values, goals, and needs; and impact the work of those who use them?”

4. How many activity systems can you think of that use the Bible as a tool? How are the motives of these systems similar or different? Do you belong to any of these systems? Do the uses of the Bible in these systems differ, and, if so, how do these varying uses of the Bible affect the system’s goals?

5. Name one concept from this lesson that you most struggle(d) to understand. What about this concept, term, or idea is troublesome? What do you currently think it means, whether you feel certain or not?

Answer at least 3 questions with, at minimum, a 3-5 sentence paragraph. In-depth, thoughtful, and careful responses are encouraged. Be specific where possible. Label your answers so readers know which questions you are responding to.

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English homework help