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NUR 3165 UCF What Makes Author of Article Credible Researchers Discussion Ques


The topic for discussion this week is Researcher Credibility, using the article answer the following questions. What makes the author(s) of the article credible researchers? What are there credentials? What institutions are they affiliated with? If you did a quick author search for their name (s) in a database, are they well published or does this appear to be their first study? Is there anything else within the article that gives you, as a reader, a sense that they are trustworthy and reliable? Or do you feel that they are not a credible source, and why not?

Stephens JD, Yager AM, & Allen J. (2017). Smartphone technology and text messaging for weight loss in young adults: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 32(1), 39–46.