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SDSU Implications of Findings Analytical Review


Research Question: How do 12th graders’ frequency of [substance abuse] differ by race/ethnicity among male and female students?

Race/ethnicity v2151 (Rename to race/ethnicity)

Sex v2150 (rename to Sex)

On how many occasions (if any) have you used marijuana (grass, pot) or hashish (hash, hash oil). . .in your lifetime?

V2115 (Renamed to LifetimeMarijuanaUse)

Brief description of re-coding of variables and why

We re-coded the variable Lifetime Marijuana used to turn that into a Dichotomous variable because we never alter the original data, easier to access the original data and make changes and easier to understand the data.

Brief description of approach to analysis & steps for producing crosstab(s)

We determined the our independent and dependent variables of race, sex, and Marijuana use throughout lifetime. The variable “ V2115: 00860:#XMJ+HS/LIFETIME “ was renamed to “Lifetime Marijuana Use” . The variable was then recoded into a dichotomous format.

1-3 paragraphs describing what you found (outcomes/findings of crosstabs and chi-square)

According to our data, there are more white participants with no marijuana used in lifetime than other races. Generally, there are more females with no marijuana used in lifetime than males. In addition, there are more white female participants with no marijuana used in lifetime than other races.

1-3 paragraphs describing implications of findings

1 paragraph describing limitations of findings