Health Medical Homework Help

West Coast University Nutritional Management of HIV AIDS Brochure


Nursing’s primary focus is on the promotion of wellness and disease prevention. In this assignment you will develop and implement a patient educational brochure to educate your patient on the nutritional considerations of a specific disease process. Use any type of publisher software you choose to create your brochure. Information must be in the form of a patient educational brochure.

Need help? Here’s a YouTube video on creating a trifold brochure that you can use as a guide:  (Links to an external site.)  

  1. Develop an instructional brochure on the nutritional aspects of one of the disorders below:
    1. Type 2 Diabetes
    2. Hypertension
    3. Coronary Artery Disease
    4. Chronic Kidney Disease
    5. Cancer
    6. HIV/AIDS
  2. Include in your brochure all points below:
    1. Explanation of the pathophysiology of the disorder. Provide 4 risk factors OR 4 symptoms of the disorder.
    2. Two common medications used for the disorder. Explain how medications work to treat the disorder. Include 3 nutritional considerations for each medication.
    3. Identify an evidence-based diet to prevent or reduce the incidence of the disorder. Include at least 3 specific foods that should be included in the diet and 3 specific foods that should be avoided. Provide rationale for the food choices.