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NUR 439 Chamberlain College of Nursing Type of Qualitative Research Design Response


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We can think about Quantitative and Qualitative research the way we think about a map. “Just like maps, there may or may not be the best route; rather, some suggested routes for your journey. The key is to choose your best way ahead of time and then plan your journey following the way accordingly” (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020). There is no one best way to construct a research design. The two overall research classifications/approaches are quantitative and qualitative research (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020). “Research designs originate within one of these two types of classifications” (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020). Quantitative research involves numbers and statistics and qualitative research “is focused on understanding the meaning of an experience from the individual’s perspective” (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020). When I think of quantitative research, I think of “quantity” or numbers, and qualitative research involves more about a patient’s feelings and perceptions.

One category of study design that I found interesting is a type of qualitative research design called phenomenology. “Phenomenology design is used to develop an understanding of experiences through the perception of those living them” (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020). Phenomenology studies the lived experiences of a phenomenon. For example, phenomenology can be used to explore the lived experience of parenting a child with a life-limiting condition (Rodriguez, & Smith, 2018). In a study done on ten parents, “the essential meaning of the phenomenon ‘the lived experience of parenting a child with a life limiting condition’ can be understood as a full-time emotional struggle involving six continuous constituents” (Rodriguez, & Smith, 2018). This can help study nursing problems because “health professional supporting families where a child has a life limiting condition need to be aware of the isolation faced by parents and the strain of constant care demands” (Rodriguez, & Smith, 2018). This study showed that with the drive to provide for their ill children, the parents many times experienced threatened self image, social withdrawal, and emotional breakdown (Rodriguez, & Smith, 2018). As many times it is challenging for these parents to admit they are struggling, we as nurses can be “considerate of the holistic needs of these families” (Rodriguez, & Smith, 2018).

My clinical nursing priority problem and evidence from last week stated: In the obese, female, labor and delivery patients with a BMI >30 (P), would using a wound vac post cesarean section for ten days until MD follow up appointment (I) reduce the number of surgical site infections (SSIs) (O) compared to not using a wound vac (C) over a course of 6 months (T)? The type of research and design that I believe would be the best way to study the problem would include quantitative research with quasi-experimental design. I chose this design because quasi-experimental evaluates interventions. I would need to study the intervention of a wound vac. Using a wound vac versus not using a wound vac would fall under this design because it would “mimic experiment except for the selection and assignment of subjects” (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020).


Chamberlain College of Nursing (2020). NR439 Evidence-Based Practice. Week 4 lesson: A Plan to Study for the Truth. Downers Grove, IL: Online Publication

Rodriguez,, A., & Smith, J. (2018). Phenomenology as a healthcare research method. BMJ Journals, 21(4).