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HSN 476 University of Phoenix Week 3 Patient Advocacy and Cost Controls Discussion



As health care providers, it is our responsibility to advocate for our patients. When individuals are requiring health care services, they may be in unknown territory. A lot of the verbiage used in health care can be confusing to any ordinary person. Some individuals were taught not to question health care providers regarding the treatments or medication recommended. A lack of health care education and information may lead to expensive and unnecessary treatments (Carlough, 2020). This is when we need to ensure patients understand the treatment or tests they may be requiring and why. “Nurses can help influence organization costs by advocating against unnecessary treatments or medications” (Androus, 2021, para. 3). For example, if a nurse reports that a patient is doing better to a physician, this may help prevent unnecessary tests or treatments to be implemented. By advocating for your patient and educating them on their treatment options, this may lead to a decrease in cost to the individual and organization. “We should welcome efforts that encourage clinicians to avoid tests and treatments that do not improve health and thereby waste valuable resources” (Kaldjian, 2014, p.81). Sometimes individuals may not want a particular test or treatment due to the cost. In these situations, we should advocate and try to find a solution on how to better assist them and at the same time making sure they receive the care they need.

Androus, A.B. (2021). What are some ways nurses can influence healthcare organization costs? Registered Nursing.Org.…

Carlough, K. (2020). Why is healthcare so expensive: Part two. Point Health.…

Kaldjian, L.C. (2014). Patient care and population health: Goals, roles, and costs. Journal of Public Health Research 3(2), 81-82.…