Health Medical Homework Help

NYU Sit Less, Move More Project


  1. Reflect on an entire week the amount of time you spend sitting over the course of the waking hours of the day: sitting while commuting, when working at the computer, watching TV, and other times throughout the day.
    • If some of your days differ greatly from one another, note the differences and you can also account for the average on a weekly basis
    • Write down the amount of time you spend sitting doing different things per day.
      • Note the differences from day to day.
  • Rate the percentage of how your activity plays out on average on a weekly basis:
    • Moderate to vigorous physical activity
    • Light physical activity
    • Sedentary
  • What patterns, if any, are you seeing?
  • Is any change warranted?
    • If yes, how can you make that happen? (Note the examples given at the end of the section. Feel free to discuss if these would work or consider others as well)