History homework help

History homework help.

Part 2:  After-Action Review

Combine this report with the Part 1 report.  This is more of a group effort, but each person must identify his or her contributions.

What Did Not Go Well

List things that did not go well and speculate on the root causes of why there were problems for each phase. Identify both the phase (Initial Response, Short-term Recovery, Business Resumption, Longer-term Recovery) and the area where the problem occurred; e.g., All departments, Human Resources or Sales. Also list who identified the problem; the person who identifies the problem may be from a different department.

Problem Description Department Affected  (or all)? Identified by:
All Phases
Initial Response
Short-term Recovery
Business Resumption
Longer-term Recovery


What Was Done Well?

List things that the contingency team did well for each phase and speculate as to why. Identify both the phase (Initial Response, Short-term Recovery, Business Resumption, Longer-term Recovery) and the area where the success occurred; e.g., Human Resources or Sales. Also list who identified the success; the person who identifies the success may be from a different department.

Success Description In Which Department (or all)? Identified by:
All Phases
Initial Response
Short-term Recovery
Business Resumption
Longer-term Recovery

Mitigation and Preparation Recommendations

What mitigation measures can be put in place to prevent or minimize problems in the future? What preparations for response and recovery need to be implemented?  List the recommendations in the categories Critical, Important, or Enhancement (i.e., nice to have).  Also recommend a timeframe to implement each recommendation; e.g., in the next 2 weeks, in the next 90 days.

Recommendation Timeframe Identified by:
Critical Activities
Important Activities


Appendices (Optional)

<References Used for both Part 1 and Part 2.  IDENTIFY WHO LOCATED EACH REFERENCE. >
<Additional details to justify actions or recommendations listed above. >
Statement Attesting to Original Work
“This paper, examination, report, or the section thereof for which I have indicated responsibility, is my own work. Any assistance I received in its preparation is acknowledged within the report or examination, in accordance with academic practice. For any data, ideas, words, diagrams, pictures, or other information from any source, quoted or not, I have cited the sources fully and completely in the text, in endnotes, or in footnotes and bibliographical entries, as required. Furthermore, I certify that the material was prepared by me specifically for this class and has not been submitted, in whole or significant part, to any other class in this university or elsewhere, or used for any purpose other than satisfying the requirements of this class, except that I am allowed to submit this material to a professional publication, peer reviewed journal, or professional conference. In adding my name following the word ‘Signature’, I intend that this certification will have the same authority and authenticity as a document executed with my hand-written signature.”
Team Member 1 Signature  ______________________________ Date ______________
Team Member 2 Signature  ______________________________ Date ______________
Team Member 3 Signature  ______________________________ Date ______________
Team Member 4 Signature  ______________________________ Date ______________
* The entire group may present a multi-signature attestation.
* Submit this only with your individual copy of the assignment.  Do not include this statement on the report posted to the public discussion forum.

History homework help