Human Resource Management homework help

Human Resource Management homework help. OL 620 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
For the final project, you will analyze Emerging Pharmaceuticals in order to evaluate and revise the company’s current total rewards system. You will utilize
information presented in the case study to compare and contrast the organization’s total reward system with external benchmarking data. You will also analyze
the data for gaps and make revisions to the existing compensation and benefits package. The information you are provided with will be based on a specific aspect
of a benefits and compensation package (retirement benefits, medical benefits, and so on). You must also create a presentation to stakeholders that explains the
proposed changes, your rationale behind the changes, and the implications of the changes for the organization.
For Milestone Two, you will prepare a draft of Parts D–F of your total rewards analysis (Section I of the final project). The submission will have the major heading
“Total Rewards Analysis: Parts D–F.” Your instructor will grade your submission using the rubric below and will provide feedback you can apply to your final
Begin by analyzing qualitative and quantitative data for the current system (as identified in the case study and the provided supplements) that will inform
your future recommendations and revisions. Once your analysis has been completed, compare and contrast the provided quantitative data regarding the
current benefits and compensation system with external benchmarking data from Medtronic, an organization within the same industry. Then draft Parts D–F
of your analysis. Thoroughly cover each of the critical elements, and include your answers to the guiding questions.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Total Rewards Analysis: For this part of the assessment, you will analyze given aspects of a total rewards package from the provided case study. You
will analyze qualitative and quantitative data regarding the current system and determine gaps in that system that will inform your future
recommendations and revisions.
D. Determine areas of misalignment, differences, and gaps present in the current benefits and compensation system, based on the
external benchmarking data. What are the key areas of the current system that are misaligned with the competition?
E. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of each plan, determine Emerging Pharmaceuticals rewards components that should be increased,
reduced, or stay the same, and provide your rationale.
F. Compare qualitative input data and quantitative analysis with the organization’s employee demographic data to determine the degree of the
existing population that will be affected by the proposed changes. In other words, what is the overall impact of each proposed change?
Guidelines for Submission: This milestone should be 3 to 4 pages in length (in addition to a cover page and references) and should be submitted as a Microsoft
Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Use at least three sources, which should be cited according to APA
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (80%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Total Rewards Analysis:
Misalignment, Differences,
and Gaps
Determines areas of misalignment,
differences, and gaps present in the current
benefits and compensation system, based
on the external benchmarking data
Determines areas of misalignment,
differences, and gaps present in the current
benefits and compensation system, but
determination is cursory or illogical
Does not determine areas of misalignment,
differences, and gaps present in the current
benefits and compensation system
Total Rewards Analysis:
Increased, Reduced or Stay
the Same
Determines rewards components that
should be increased, reduced or stay the
same, providing appropriate rationale
Determines rewards components that
should be increased, reduced or stay the
same, but rationale is cursory, illogical, or
there are gaps
Does not determine rewards components
that should be increased, reduced or stay
the same
Total Rewards Analysis:
Population Affected
Compares qualitative input data and
quantitative analysis with the
organization’s employee demographic data
to determine the degree of the existing
population that will be affected by the
proposed changes
Compares qualitative input data and
quantitative analysis with the
organization’s employee demographic data
to determine the degree of the existing
population that will be affected by the
proposed changes, but analysis or is
cursory or illogical, or there are gaps in
Does not compare qualitative input data
and quantitative analysis with the
organization’s employee demographic data
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
Submission has major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent understanding of
Total 100%

Human Resource Management homework help