Human Resource Management homework help

Human Resource Management homework help. OL 620 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of a benefits and compensation analysis (with revisions) and a stakeholder presentation.
Professionals in the human resources field are often tasked with overseeing the benefits and compensation (Total Rewards) functions within any given
organization. Human resource professionals often have to examine specific compensation and benefit elements of a total rewards system and compare them
with qualitative and quantitative data collected internally, to determine how to fairly and appropriately reward employees for their work.
For this summative assessment, imagine you have been tasked with evaluating and revising the current benefits and compensation package of an organization.
You will utilize information from a case study to compare and contrast the organization’s total reward system with external benchmarking data, analyze data for
gaps, and make revisions to the existing compensation and benefit package. The information you are provided will be based on a specific aspect of a benefits and
compensation package (retirement benefits, medical benefits, etc.). You must also create a presentation to stakeholders that explains the proposed changes,
your rationale, and the implications of the changes for the organization.
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure a quality final
submission. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five, and Seven. The final project will be submitted in Module Nine.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
 OL-620-01: Analyze qualitative input from stakeholders for prioritizing employee concerns regarding existing organizational total rewards systems
 OL-620-02: Compare existing internal quantitative data regarding benefits and compensation structures to external benchmarking data for determining
key areas of concern in organizational total rewards systems
 OL-620-03: Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of organizational benefits and compensation structures for informing the revision of a total rewards
 OL-620-04: Design revised benefits and compensation packages that address key stakeholder concerns and align with established financial,
organizational, and legal constraints
 OL-620-05: Appropriately communicate proposed changes of organizational benefits and compensations structures to various internal stakeholder
In your new role as a human resources professional, you have been asked to revise aspects of the current total rewards package illustrated in the provided case
study and make revisions to the package to accommodate issues and concerns. You have also been asked to prepare a presentation to stakeholders regarding your
proposed revisions. You will begin with an analysis of quantitative and qualitative information about the current rewards system. Use this information to identify
strengths and weaknesses of the current package and make recommendations, while addressing stakeholder concerns and previously identified weaknesses. You
will communicate these proposed changes in a presentation to stakeholders of the organization. You should also use charts and tables to augment and support
your analysis.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Total Rewards Analysis: For this part of the assessment, you will analyze given aspects of the Total Rewards package from the provided case study.
You will analyze qualitative and quantitative data regarding the current system and determine gaps in that system that will inform your future
recommendations and revisions.
A. Analyze the issues or concerns of employees through a review of the qualitative data presented in the case study, for their validity and
importance. Be sure to consider the needs of different demographics of employees within the organization. [OL-620-01]
B. Determine the key issues or concerns of employees that should be targeted and addressed, based on the provided qualitative data. Justify your
response. Why should other concerns be made less of a priority? Consider the underlying reasons behind the issues voiced by employees. [OL620-01]
C. Compare and contrast the provided quantitative data regarding the current benefits and compensation system with external benchmarking
data from the competitive organization. Use the supplemental data documents to complete your response. What does the current system
have that other organization does not? What does the other organization offer that the current system does not? Justify your response. [OL620-02]
D. Determine areas of misalignment, differences, and gaps present in the current benefits and compensation system, based on the external
benchmarking data. What are the key areas of the current system that are misaligned with the competition? [OL-620-02]
E. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of each plan, determine Emerging Pharmaceuticals’ rewards components that should be increased,
reduced or stay the same, and provide your rationale. [OL-620-03]
F. Compare qualitative input data and quantitative analysis with the organization’s employee demographic data to determine the degree of the
existing population that will be affected by the proposed changes. In other words, what is the overall impact of each proposed change? [OL620-03]
II. Revisions: In this part of the assessment, you will make recommendations and revisions to the current benefits and compensation package to address
any concerns and gaps previously identified.
A. Make recommendations to the current total rewards package that address concerns related to your previous analysis of the quantitative and
qualitative data. In other words, what changes would you make to the current benefits and compensation package in order to address any
concerns you previously identified? [OL-620-04]
B. Identify potential financial, procedural, and legal constraints regarding the revised total rewards package. [OL-620-04]
C. Explain the financial cost of proposed changes to both direct and indirect compensation. Be sure to address fully funded organizational changes,
partially funded changes (and by what percentage), and fully employee-funded benefits. Identify the increase or decrease for total employee
costs. [OL-620-04]
III. Presentation: In this part of the assessment, you will develop a brief presentation (PowerPoint or other similar tools for this exercise) to stakeholders
that describes your recommended changes and provides both context and rationale for why you believe they should occur. This presentation must be
developed in such a way that it is accessible for all stakeholders (leadership, management, employees, and so on).
A. Provide a brief overview of the qualitative input data, quantitative benchmarking data, and the gap analysis that was conducted. [OL-620-05]
B. Provide a rationale for proposed changes and explain how the proposed changes will achieve targeted organizational goals and address
stakeholder concerns. [OL-620-05]
C. Explain the implications of implementing the new system for the organization and for different employee populations. [OL-620-05]
Milestone One: Total Awards Analysis (Section I, Parts A–C)
In Module Three, you will submit a draft of Parts A–C of your Total Rewards Analysis. You will analyze qualitative and quantitative data regarding the current
system identified in the additional provided case study Emerging Pharmaceuticals – a key competitor to Medtronic. You will also compare and contrast the
provided quantitative data regarding the current benefits and compensation system with external benchmarking data from Medtronic, an organization within
the same industry. The submission will have the major heading “Benefits and Compensation Analysis: Parts A–C.” This milestone will be graded with the
Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Benefits and Compensation Analysis (Section I, Parts D-F)
In Module Five, you will submit a draft of Parts D-F of your benefits and compensation analysis. You will determine key areas of concern regarding the current
system identified in the provided case study Emerging Pharmaceuticals that will inform your future recommendations and revisions. The submission will have
the major heading “Benefits and Compensation Analysis: Parts D-F.” This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Revisions (Section II)
In Module Seven, you will submit a draft of Section II (Revisions). You will make recommendations and revisions to the current benefits and compensation
package described in the provided case study Emerging Pharmaceuticals to address concerns and gaps previously identified. The submission will include all
parts of Section II with the major heading “Revisions.” This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Benefits and Compensation Analysis and Revisions with Stakeholder Presentation
In Module Nine, you will submit the completed benefits and compensation analysis (with revisions) and stakeholder presentation. You will appropriately
communicate your proposed changes to the internal stakeholders (leadership, management, employees, etc.) identified in the provided case study Emerging
Pharmaceuticals and provide both context and rationale for why you believe they should occur. This presentation should be a complete, polished artifact
containing all of the critical elements of the final project. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.
Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading
One Section I, Parts A–C, Total Rewards Analysis Three Graded separately using Milestone One Rubric
Two Section I, Parts D-F, Total Rewards Analysis Five Graded separately using Milestone Two Rubric
Three Section II, Revisions Seven Graded separately using Milestone Three Rubric
Final Submission Total Rewards Analysis (with Revisions) and
Stakeholder Presentation
Nine Graded separately using Final Project Rubric
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your total rewards analysis paper must be 8–12 pages in length (plus a cover page and references list) and must be written in APA
format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least seven academic references. The presentation must consist of
5–10 slides with adequate speaker notes explaining each slide’s content. Use a product such as PowerPoint or Prezi to create your presentation. Sources should
be cited according to APA style.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Total Rewards Analysis:
Issues or Concerns
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of the
value of key issues, from the
employee’s perspective
Analyzes the issues or concerns of
employees, reviewed through the
qualitative data, for their validity
and importance, considering the
needs of different employee
demographics within the
Analyzes the issues or concerns of
employees, reviewed through the
qualitative data, for their validity
and importance, considering the
needs of different employee
demographics within the
organization, but analysis is
Does not analyze the issues or
concerns of employees, reviewed
through the qualitative data, for
their validity and importance for
organizational review
Total Rewards Analysis:
Targeted and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates keen
insight on the underlying reasons
the issues voiced by employees
have arisen
Determines key issues or
concerns of employees that
should be targeted and
addressed, based on the provided
qualitative data, justifying
Determines key issues or
concerns of employees that
should be targeted and
addressed, based on the provided
qualitative data, justifying
response, but determination is
cursory, illogical, or there are
gaps in the justification
Does not determine key issues or
concerns of employees that
should be targeted and addressed
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Total Rewards Analysis:
External Benchmarking
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates keen
insight into the position of the
current benefits and
compensation system compared
with systems at other
Compares and contrasts provided
quantitative data regarding the
current benefits and
compensation system with
external benchmarking data from
organizations within the same
industry, using the provided table,
justifying response
Compares and contrasts provided
quantitative data regarding the
current benefits and
compensation system with
external benchmarking data from
organizations within the same
industry, using the provided table,
justifying response, but analysis is
cursory, illogical, contains
inaccuracies, or there are gaps in
the justification
Does not compare and contrast
provided quantitative data
regarding the current benefits
and compensation system with
external benchmarking data
Total Rewards Analysis:
Differences, and Gaps
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates the ability
to discern key differences from
the provided information
Determines areas of
misalignment, differences, and
gaps present in the current
benefits and compensation
system, based on the external
benchmarking data
Determines areas of
misalignment, differences, and
gaps present in the current
benefits and compensation
system, but determination is
cursory or illogical
Does not determine areas of
misalignment, differences, and
gaps present in the current
benefits and compensation
Total Rewards Analysis:
Increased, Reduced or
Stay the Same
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates keen
insight regarding reasons for
maintaining status quo or
changing specific components
Determines rewards components
that should be increased, reduced
or stay the same, providing
appropriate rationale
Determines rewards components
that should be increased, reduced
or stay the same, but rationale is
cursory, illogical, or there are
Does not determine rewards
components that should be
increased, reduced or stay the
Total Rewards Analysis:
Population Affected
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates keen
insight into how both qualitative
and quantitative analysis will
affect employee populations
Compares qualitative input data
and quantitative analysis with the
organization’s employee
demographic data to determine
the degree of the existing
population that will be affected
by the proposed changes
Compares qualitative input data
and quantitative analysis with the
organization’s employee
demographic data to determine
the degree of the existing
population that will be affected
by the proposed changes, but
analysis or is cursory or illogical,
or there are gaps in
Does not compare qualitative
input data and quantitative
analysis with the organization’s
employee demographic data
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates a balance
between employee input and
organizational objectives
Makes recommendations to the
current total rewards package
that address concerns related to
the previous analysis of the
quantitative and qualitative data
Makes recommendations to the
current total rewards package
that address concerns related to
the previous analysis of the
quantitative and qualitative data
but revisions are cursory, illogical,
or contain inaccuracies
Does not make recommendations
to the current total rewards
package that address concerns
related to the previous analysis of
the quantitative and qualitative
Revisions: Constraints
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of the
constraints regarding revising
benefits and compensation
Makes recommendations for
accommodating potential
financial, procedural, and legal
constraints regarding the revised
benefits and compensation
Makes recommendations for
accommodating potential
financial, procedural, and legal
constraints regarding the revised
benefits and compensation
package, but explanation is
cursory or illogical
Does not make recommendations
for accommodating potential
financial, procedural, and legal
constraints regarding the revised
benefits and compensation
Revisions: Financial
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates a balance
between addressing expressed
employee needs and
organizational cost targets
Comprehensively explains the
financial cost of proposed
changes to both direct and
indirect compensation
Explains the financial cost of
proposed changes to both direct
and indirect compensation, but
explanation is cursory, illogical, or
not comprehensive
Does not explain the financial cost
of proposed changes to both
direct and indirect compensation
Presentation: Overview
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of how
to communicate appropriate and
relevant information for all
Provides a brief overview of the
qualitative input data,
quantitative benchmarking data,
and the gap analysis that was
conducted, conveyed
appropriately for all stakeholders
Provides a brief overview of the
qualitative input data,
quantitative benchmarking data,
and the gap analysis that was
conducted, but overview is
cursory or is not conveyed
appropriately for all stakeholders
Does not provide an overview of
the qualitative input data,
quantitative benchmarking data,
and the gap analysis that was
Organizational Goals
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of how
to communicate appropriate and
relevant information for all
Provides a rationale for proposed
changes and explains how the
proposed changes will achieve
targeted organizational goals and
address stakeholder concerns,
conveyed appropriately for all
Provides a rationale for proposed
changes and explains how the
proposed changes will achieve
targeted organizational goals and
address stakeholder concerns but
response is cursory, illogical, or
not appropriately conveyed to all
Does not provide a rationale for
proposed changes or explain how
the proposed changes will
achieve targeted organizational
goals and address stakeholder
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of how
to communicate appropriate and
relevant information for all
Explains the implications of
implementing the new system for
the organization and for different
employee populations in a
manner such that each key
stakeholder understands why the
changes are being implemented,
conveyed appropriately for all
Explains the implications of
implementing the new system for
the organization and for different
employee populations in a
manner such that each key
stakeholder understands why the
changes are being implemented,
but explanation is cursory,
illogical, or is not conveyed
appropriately to all stakeholders
Does not explain the implications
of implementing the new system
for the organization and for
different employee populations in
a manner such that each key
stakeholder understands why the
changes are being implemented
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization,
and is presented in a professional
and easy to read format
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total 100%

Human Resource Management homework help