Human Resource Management homework help

Human Resource Management homework help.

Section 1: Principle Components Discussion
Describe the project management standards and processes based on the Project Management Institute’s A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge® (PMBOK® Guide) (6th ed.). This section should be 5 pages and include a brief, yet, substantive synopsis for each of the following items:

  • Project, Program, and Portfolio Management distinction
  • Project Selection
  • Project Charter
  • Project Charter Template: Additionally, develop a basic, 1 page Project Charter template based on the PMBOK® Guide (6th ed.) that could be used for small-to-medium projects in a global organization. Include your Project Charter template as an appendix in your essay paper.
  • Project Organization
  • Project Planning
  • Project Scheduling
  • Project Estimating
  • Monitoring and Control
  • Project Closure
  • Communication Management
  • Risk Management
  • Role of Information Technology.

Section 2: Simulation Analysis
Summarize your performance in the project management simulation completed in Module 6 (Project Management Simulation: Scope, Resources, Schedule V2 (Links to an external site.); Product #: 4700-HTM-ENG). This section should be 2 pages and must include:

  • Identification of three project management standards or practices applied during the simulation and their effect on your simulation outcomes.
  • Delineation of three lessons learned from the project management simulation that can be applied to future management of projects.
  • Recommendation for improving your simulation outcomes.

The subject content for Section 2 varies based on the Portfolio Project option selected:

  • For Option 1, the project management simulation requires an analysis of your performance of the Simulation Scenario A.

Section 3: Case Study Analysis
Review and assess one of the two global project management case studies designated; then develop a 4- to 6-page recommendation for achieving the objectives set forth. As part of your recommendation, develop a high-level project management plan comprised of a statement of:

  • work (SOW)
  • a work breakdown structure (WBS)
  • a project schedule or Gantt
  • a communications plan
  • a risk management plan
  • a stakeholder management plan
  • and other relevant project management plan details.

Additionally, based on project team performance and leadership traits exhibited in the designated case study, identify the primary attributes needed to be a successful leader in this scenario.
The case study for Section 3 varies depending on the Portfolio Project option selected:

  • For Option 1, use the Honicker Corporation case study (Kerzner, 2017, pp. 753-755)

Additional Instructions
Properly organize your writing by including the following:

  • Running header with designation of Portfolio Project option clearly designated.
  • Cover page with designation of Portfolio Project option clearly designated.
  • Paper title with designation of Portfolio Project option clearly designated.
  • Introduction includes a descriptive overview of the Portfolio Project and a brief preface of your essay paper (one to three paragraphs).
  • Main body thesis of your essay paper will be approximately 12 pages organized by APA style section level 1 headings for Section 1: Principle Components Discussion; Section 2: Simulation Scenario Analysis; and Section 3: Case Study Analysis. Additionally, include APA style section level 2 headings for bullet items or key elements within each main section.
  • Conclusion—Present a recap of Main Body key points and summary of main emphasis without repeating verbatim and exclusive of new information.
  • Reference page(s) listing any appropriate references cited.
  • Appendices
  • 1-page Project Charter template
  • Captured screen image of confirmation page showing your total simulation score for the scenario performed.

Support your assignment with a minimum of eight scholarly references. The CSU-Global library is a good place to locate these sources, and the Project Management Resources Guide (Links to an external site.) is a great place to start. The written section should follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.)standards.

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Human Resource Management homework help