Humanities Homework Help

POLS 399 University of Illinois Marx and Fraser Views on Economics and Politics Paper


Required reading: Anheier, Helmut K. Giving, Philanthropy, and Foundations, Chapter 6 in Nonprofit Organizations: Theory, Management, Policy. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2014. (Available through Northeastern University Library.)

Burton, Dorian O. Burton & Brian C.B. Barnes, Shifting Philanthropy From Charity to Justice (Links to an external site.), Stanford Social Innovation Review, Jan. 3, 2017.

David Bornstein, A Call to Modernize American Philanthropy (Links to an external site.) (Interview with Edgar Villanueva)

Anand Giridharadas, Generosity and Justice


, excerpted from Winner Take All

Sydney Hargro, Philanthropy Needs a New Endgame: The Liberation of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Communities in America (Links to an external site.)

Visit these web sites of organizations that are trying to disrupt the way philanthropy is practiced:

Justice Funders (Links to an external site.)

Trust-Based Philanthropy Project (Links to an external site.)

Resist (Links to an external site.)

Question: What obligation, if any, do philanthropists have to be strategic or socially just in their giving? Why do you think Strategic Grant Partners considered it strategic to invest in UTEC?