Humanities Homework Help

DAV Public School Moral & Ethics Philosophy Questions


Answer All 3 Questions (and your answers must clearly demonstrate that you did the readings):

1) What is Kantian (deontological) ethics? What are some reasons in favor of it? What is one worry or problem for the view?

2) What is Utilitarianism? What are some reasons in favor of it? What is one worry or problem for the view?

3) What is Virtue ethics? What are some reasons in favor of it? What is one worry or problem for the view.

Note: there is no word limit, but answers to each question must be complete and thorough.

Hint: For full points, do not merely regurgitate or repeat verbatim ideas and arguments from the readings. Be sure to explain these views in your own words. I am testing understanding of the material, which is not exemplified merely by repeating the readings.