Humanities Homework Help

Nassau Community College I Pencil Extended Commentary Discussion


  • Considering the playlist as a whole, write a brief summary of these videos. Focus on the 1-3 ideas or points that you felt were most important. Important: I’m not asking for a thorough or complete recap of everything in both video. I want to see you pick out the essence of the playlist by looking for a uniting theme implied by the most important points. Also important: I’m asking for your subjective evaluation of what’s most important. There’s no right answer (there are infinite wrong answers, but that’s another issue). I want to see you make a judgment and justify your answer.
  • Respond to the videos. What did you think of these videos? Was there something that surprised you? Was there something you disagree with? Do you see some connection between these videos and the real world, your own life, the plot of your favorite episode of Rick and Morty, or the reading for this module? Important: I’m not looking for an answer to all of those questions. This is an open ended and subjective response. I’m looking for evidence that you’ve been really thinking about this.