Humanities Homework Help

CBA 45 Rasmussen College Alternative Medicine for the Elderly PPT & Paper



Identify and Create sensory elements of visual media communication to attract viewer attention


Create a graphic post that is specifically intended for use on social
media to announce the opening of a retail store. Submit your social
media post in a Screencast-o-matic presentation and spend 3-4 minutes
describing the sensory visual elements you chose and why they are
applicable to the social media platform you are using. Also, describe
how this ad post might be different visually if it were being used for
print (a magazine, newspaper, or mail flyer). Choose at least one
theoretical perspective or scholarly journal to back up your assertions.

Using significant and appropriate graphic sensory elements (depth,
movement, colors, font, lines, etc.), create a graphic social media post
that is specifically intended for use on social media to announce the
opening of a retail store (you can be creative with what type of store
this is and the theoretical details (location, date, etc.). Keep in
consideration that this is not for print or hard copy, but rather to
quickly grab the attention of someone scrolling through social media
(Facebook, Instagram, etc.) so keep your message concise and

Screenshot the post/graphic that you have created and present it in
Screencast-o-matic. (Note: you can use any software/platform to design
the post, but it must be transferred and presented in your
screencast-o-matic submission.) In your screencast-o-matic presentation,
use 3-4 minutes to verbally explain and describe the sensory visual
elements you chose. Explain what social media platform you would use
this graphic for and how these sensory elements attract the audience
type you are trying to reach through this platform. Also, provide an
explanation for how this design might be different if it were intended
for print rather than social media. Use at least one theoretical
perspective or scholarly journal to back up your assertions. Be sure to
credit these resources in your presentation.