Humanities Homework Help

CSMC Ethnicity and Identity and The Processes of Blockbusting Essay


  1. How is ethnicity and identity expressed in the public and private spaces (cities, rural areas, home, school campus, workplace etc.) of the landscape? How do you express your identity in your personal space, home, school, clothes, car? Provide specific examples.
  2. Compare and contrast subsistence versus commercial agriculture. In other words, describe each type and how are they alike or different. Provide examples of each. What country would you find subsistence and what country would you find commercial? How can both subsistence and commercial agriculture be sustainable?
  3. Describe the processes of blockbusting, redlining, and gentrification in urban inner-city neighborhoods.
  4. Developing countries are experiencing rapid urbanization. What advantages might their societies experience as a result of this rapid shift? What disadvantages are most pronounced? On the whole, is this a positive or negative trend of urbanization in developing countries?
  5. List the major push and pull factors in migration and provide examples of both push and pull. What are your own experiences of migration ? Maybe you personally have not had any experiences with migration but other members of your family, parents or grandparents, brothers or sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Describe them.

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