Humanities Homework Help

Chamberlain College of Nursing Effectiveness of Holistic Medicine Paper



This week, you will choose one of the following topics for your project:

Defunding the police 

Critical race theory

Gender dysphoria treatment

  • Mandatory vaccination
  • Healthcare equity
  • Pandemic planning and response
  • Nursing homes – Inadequate staffing and mandatory overtime
  • Expanding the Nurse Licensure Compact
  • Holistic medicine
  • Telehealth
  • Link: Immigration Topic Example
  • For the assignment this week, address the following:
  • State the topic chosen from the list or topic approved by instructor.

State the specific issue you will explore.

This must be stated either as a question (“Should prostitution be legalized?”) or a whether-or-not statement (“Whether prostitution should be legalized”).

For the stated issue, state three (3) aspects of the issue that you think you will likely develop in your paper. Briefly state why you have chosen each aspect.

You are not confined to three aspects only, but you must develop at least three. As you develop your paper, you may find other aspects that you deem more relevant, and may add or substitute those.

  • Example: For the topic of prostitution, you might examine the aspect of personal autonomy, public health aspects, and law enforcement aspects, at a minimum.
  • Example: For the topic of free healthcare for undocumented persons, you might address economic aspects, ethical aspects, and public health aspects, at a minimum.