Humanities Homework Help

AHI 001D A01 University of California Riverside Artwork of The Heian Period Essay


There are two-part to this question

Part 1

Zochoten, Heian period, 11th century, wood with traces of paint and gilding (height 277⁄16")

Zochoten, Heian period, 11th century, wood with traces of paint and gilding (height 277⁄16″)

Unkei and Kaikei, Kongo Rikishi (Agyo and Ungyo), Kamakura period, 1203, painted wood (height 27'4")

Unkei and Kaikei, Kongo Rikishi (Agyo and Ungyo), Kamakura period, 1203, painted wood (height 27’4″)


The works reproduced above were already presented for comparison in your textbook (see p 329). For your assignment, this lesson, analyze how these works visually reflect important social differences between the Heian and Kamakura periods. Discuss how the works reveal shifts in power and the changes in aesthetic values that accompanied them.

(at least 250 words; 10 points)


Read through your classmates’ posts and engage with at least one of them. Was there anything they missed? Having read your classmates’ analyses, is there anything you would add to or change about your own analysis?

(5 points)

Classmate’s post:

When observing the two sculptures, one of the biggest features that stands out is the difference in their facial expressions. In the Kongo Rikishi sculpture from the Kamakura, the figure is seen with a fierce expression intended to scare off evil spirits while the Zochoten sculpture from the Heian period has a more subtle facial expression. The differences in their facial expressions could show the difference in their military techniques and status. During the Kamakura period, militarism was a big part of their government compared to the Heian period where the military didn’t play as big of a role. Still on the topic of the Kamakura’s militaristic government, the Kongo Riskishi sculpture is seen as aggressive in its posture and with exaggerated body features such as building muscles and a big head while the Zochoten sculpture is seen as more realistic by having more proportioned features. During the Heian period, the social structure was determined by the hierarchy status of an individual and their wealth. However, during the Kamakura period, social structure was determined by the status of the individual in relation to the military. Another difference is the clothing each of the sculptures are wearing. The Heian period sculpture is wearing full armour that clings tighter to the body while the Kamakura sculpture is wearing yoroi and a free flowing cloth around his waist. The Heian sculpture seems more heroic for his stance and clothing while the Kamakura sculpture seems more divine with its flowing clothing and “fearless” mudra. The differences between the two sculptures show that the Heian period was a time of imperial government that was switched to a military government in the Kamakura period.

Part 2

Chanoyu refers to the Japanese tea ceremony, developed in the 16th century, which you read about it in your textbook this lesson. Now read this article about The Japanese Tea Ceremony (Links to an external site.) and watch the video below before responding to the prompt.

What are your thoughts on chanoyu? Do you feel that the tea ceremony a legitimate art form? Why or why not?

a tea master prepares tea for the Japanese tea ceremony