Humanities Homework Help

Adelphi University Pleasantville Cottage School Social Work Support Discussion


Course Project Overview

The body of work that you prepare needs to be a work of quality. The arching expectation of the assignment is that you will not merely summarize what others have said about the issues under examination. Rather, the expectation is that you look thoughtfully, creatively, and originally at the issue so that your work makes a professional contribution. The content of student projects has ranged. In the past, for example, students have developed business plans, worked on program evaluations, developed programs, written qualitative/quantitative studies, and created multimedia presentations. Projects are to be accompanied by a paper that explains the purpose, content, and uses of the project and that includes a brief but relevant literature review and a bibliography. Research papers are another method to complete requirements of the course. Research papers will have more expansive literature reviews and follow a more traditional format. Ideas developed for other assignments in your time at Hunter may be the foundation for professional seminar papers/projects, but expanding on prior work in a significant way is the expectation of the seminar.

Option 1: Project and accompanying paper

The final assignment will be up to 10 pages and include the following sections:

  • Identification of the issue to be examined or “Problem Statement”
  • Review of relevant literature
  • Implications for Social Work Practice
  • Relevant references/bibliography
  • Project
  • Presentation to class
  • My project is to create a Social Work/Case Manger Support Group to assist with training and retention of all employees.
  • Paper outline has been started, Professor’s points need to be addressed. Add citation here, what is this etc. follow notes on side and address what you can.