Humanities Homework Help

University of London Turn in Your Production Paper Here Ta20 001 Reflection


What do you do?
1.) Pick a theatre event (email me to make sure it is OK), buy the tickets, log on to the event at the given time and enjoy it. Saddleback College
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is doing two productions that you could see. The cost is $10. It is possible that theatre will open up again before this assignment is due, but I don’t think so and I cannot recommend that you go.
2.) Next is a two part assignment. The first part is a questionnaire that will ask you questions about the show. You can find the questionnaire in the Production Paper Module. It kind of looks like a test but it really isn’t.
The second part is to write a short essay which discusses the essence of your experience, your opinion about the production, your emotional response, and whether you would recommend it to others. Do not tell me the plot of the show. Tell me about what you think.
Your paper will be turned in via through Canvas. You have until December 16th at 11:59pm to turn in your paper, however I would highly suggest that you do not wait until the end to turn it in.
Your play-going experience starts with the moment you decide to buy a ticket to see a show and really doesn’t end until you forgot you saw it.
Q. What is a short essay?
A. If it is more than 2 pages you are trying way to hard. A page and a half should be about the right length.
Q Can I see a show at a theme park?
A. No
Q. Does a stand up comedy show count?
A. Not really.
Q. Can I write about the Pageant of the Masters?
A. No
Q. Should I use MLA format?
A. Sure. Although I am far more interested in what you are writing then the format of the