Humanities Homework Help

University of California San Diego Economic Impacts of the Pandemic in Europe Essay


topic is about Covid19

Specific Issue is about Economic impacts


A proposal is a short paper which indicates to your reader your plan for addressing your topic. For your proposal, you will address the following in a 2-4-page narrative-style proposal, meaning you will not yet conduct any research: 

  • What is your topic and your stance (opinion) on your topic?
  • What is your personal and/or scholarly investment in your topic? Why is your topic important to address, given the current social and political climate?
  • What are 2-3 main arguments that support your stance on your topic?
  • What are 2-3 main arguments that counter (go against) your stance on your topic?
  • If your topic centers around a specific problem, what is the problem? What do you see as some viable solutions?