Humanities Homework Help

HIST 201 UCLA History of Slavery Sectionalism Discussion


What were the most important aspects of the materials this week? What were the immediate outcomes? What are the legacies?


then answer the question and remember to follow all discussion guidelines per the syllabus.

  • 10 points: The discussion posting demonstrates excellent understanding of the material by completely answering the entire discussion question, and considers the implications of the question. Posting gives thoughtful analysis. Posting has excellent synthesis of material with proper citation where appropriate.
  • 8-9 points: Posting demonstrates an above average understanding of the material by completely answering entire discussion question. The posting gives good analysis. Posting attempts to synthesize materialwith proper citation where appropriate.
  • 6-7 points: Discussion posting only answers the question by doing the bare minimum required. Offers little to no analysis.
  • 4-5 points: Discussion posting is below average. Does not meet the minimum requirements. No analysis, nor synthesis.
  • 1-3 points: Posting is an attempt to merely complete the assignment. Summation or regurgitation ofthe reading and/or other students’ posts.

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