Humanities Homework Help

GSC Social Construction Welfare Service Provision Question


Question: In Why Both Social Structure and Culture Matter in a Holistic Analysis of Inner-City Poverty by William Julius Wilson (2010) he states, “Social structure refers to the way social positions, social roles, and networks of social relationships are arranged in our institutions, such as the economy, polity, education, and the organization of the family” (2010; 201). He goes on to state that “Social processes refer to the ‘machinery’ of society that exists to promote ongoing relations between members of the larger group” (2010: 201). Defining and then bringing together the concepts of social structure and borrowing from the lectures, readings, and books discuss how the social context shapes the lives of the poor. I am uploading all documents necessary to draw information from to write this paper. be sure to use info from all of them to write the paper. the paper is 67% of my final exam grade.