Humanities Homework Help

Florida Gulf Coast Paying Drug Addicts to Stay Sober Is Very Good Idea Responses


1. Upon reading this week’s chapter in American Yawp I was both depressed and bewildered. When considering the events that transpired in the Black Hills of South Dakota I realize that the creation of Mount Rushmore is yet another slap in the face to Native Americans. The Native Americans faced atrocity after atrocity at the hands of the US government. The Black Hills represented a sacred space for their community and after being promised the land the Lakota Sioux were massacred, and the remaining community was displaced from their sacred home. According to PBS and The American Experience, “The insult of Rushmore to some Sioux is at least three-fold: 1. It was built on land the government took from them. 2. The Black Hills in particular are considered sacred ground. 3. The monument celebrates the European settlers who killed so many Native Americans and appropriated their land.” I could not agree more with the statements. After much dispute, the Sioux community has not given up the fight to retain these lands. Mount Rushmore is not a symbol of freedom, hope, or honor but rather an act of aggression, daring the Native American population to try to rise up against the American government. The idea that Mount Rushmore could resemble a vision of freedom and hope for all cultures is an absolute joke. This place held religious value and meaning to another culture, separate to that of the American government, so to go and transform that place into a symbol of American dominance is indeed ironic and horrifying. The Treaty of Fort Laramie in 1968 and other similar treaties do not seem to hold much legal bearing. The fact that these treaties seemed to only last a few years until the American government discovered a new and valuable resource seems to only prove that Americans were not interested in long-lasting peace or the well being and preservation of other cultures, but mostly to ensure temporary compliance until they could get another step ahead.


2 Q1: Having read the article summarizing the conflict between the indigenous people and the U.S. Government. the faces serve as a constant reminder from the Government stating that everything here still belongs to the U.S. and belongs only to you in name. Sort of like adding salt to the wound, leaving a scar that can never be healed.

Q2: The treaties forged with the native Americans were legal since both parties agreed came together and have it ratified agreeing to terms and conditions same as a legaly bonding contract. Having said that it was not legal for the US government to break the treaties.

Q3: Mount Rushmore has become a symbol of freedom for all in today’s modern day and age. It’s very much ironic since the four presidents’ faces etched into the side of the rock are thought of as pioneers who helped shape this nation to what it is, land of the free, home of the brave. But in reality, it was built upon the hardships of others, taken forcibly from the native Americans. The U.S. government slowly took control of their lands, creating a shortage in the food supply by overhunting, signed treaties that were repeatedly broken with intent to take their land, and inevitably going to war with them causing bloodshed which in turn nearly wiped out the native Americans and forced the remaining few to relocate from their homelands were the US Government deemed fit. So to the indigenous people still residing in the U.S., the faces serves more as a symbol of terror than hope.——————————————————

3.Subject: California looking to pay Drug Addicts to Stay Sober

Source: California Looking to Pay Drug Addicts to Stay Sober | California News | US News

Synopsis: Due to California’s increase in death due to drug overdose, California state Senator, Scott Wiener suggested a bill to pay people to stay sober back in September of 2019. According to U.S California News, the Federal Government has been doing it for years for the Military Veterans and has found it an effective way to keep them sober (California News, 2021).

Opinion: I feel this to be very thoughtful and effective coming from the Senator of California. Providing funds to their people in hopes of them staying sober. Not only do they benefit from being healthy, the funds can help in other areas needed such as bills or food, decreasing stress or depression. Nothing beats not having money for a convenient store run.