Humanities Homework Help

Tourist Behavior and Interactions Report


This is a research-based assessment in which you undertake your own piece of research and present the findings in a report. Through this report you will:

  • apply the theories and concepts that you are learning in the unit;
  • identify and analyse the positive and negative impacts of tourists on destinations and communities; and
  • describe and explain various approaches to tourist behaviour research.

Your report will be based on a semi-structured interview that you undertake with either a friend or family member who has recently been a tourist (domestic or international). In deciding who you should interview you should consider selection criteria which may include: how recent their holiday was (the more recent the more the person should remember) and how long they were travelling (the longer and more complex the holiday, probably the more they will have to talk about) among others.

    1. Finalise interview questions

      a. Revise the interview questions you wrote for Assessment 1, according to the marking comments and feedback (see MyGrades)
      b. Rewrite or add more questions to ensure that you can write a report that discusses the interviewee’s:

      • reasons/motivations for travelling
      • why they selected their destination
      • what attracted them to the destination and how they made their decision
      • what they were expecting from their holiday
      • the extent to which they were satisfied with the various components of their holiday
      • what activities they engaged in and how important these were (for example sight-seeing, shopping, photography, eating)
      • ability to identify any impacts that they may have had on the destination or community that lived there.

c. Submit your draft interview questions to your lecturer/tutor for approval, at least one week prior to conducting your interview

d. Email your participant a copy of the Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form and schedule a time for the interview (allow up to 30 minutes). This can be in person or online, e.g. via Zoom or Skype

e. Conduct and record (audio-only) your interview.

2. Transcribe and code your interview

    1. Type up your interview (you might like to play it back at a slower speed, to assist). This site has some useful tips on how to transcribe an interview.
    2. Read through the transcript several times, highlighting keywords/terms/concepts used by the interviewee
    3. Paraphrase/make summaries of what they have said, perhaps grouped around the seven key themes listed at 1(b) above.

3. Write your report

Before you begin, download and review the Learning Zone guide to Writing ReportsOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader. Your report should be structured like this:

Executive Summary
Write this last. It should be a concise summary of what you did, what your interviewee said, and what you concluded from that. It is NOT an introduction. Review this guide to writing an executive summaryOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader before commencing this section.
Use the References-Table of Contents function of your word processing software to inset this table with headings and page numbers.
1. Introduction
Note the purpose of the report and list key sections.
2. Literature Review
Overview the key literature related to each behaviour or interaction. This guide to writing a literature reviewOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader will help you with this section.
3. Method
Detail the steps you took to construct the questionnaire, select your participant and analyse the data. Refer to the research method literature (Topic 6), in your discussion.
4. Findings

You can structure this section using your interview questions as sub-headings.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
In this section you will compare and contrast what your participant said to the literature (discussed earlier), adding your own interpretation as necessary.
Include five to ten references formatted according to the Harvard style. These can be from the MyReadings list.
Include the signed consent form (see below), your interview schedule (list of questions), and the transcript of the interview, plus any other relevant information.

The Executive Summary, Contents, References, and Appendices will not be counted in the 2000 word count.

In addition to the Word file of your report, you must also separately submit the audio file of your recorded interview via the Submission link below.