Humanities Homework Help

DePaul University Chapter 6 The Joker by Todd Phillips Psychology Essay


Watch the 2019 film Joker.  Then, based on the Chapter 6 Tools to Aid Social History Development.pdf, write a social history for the main character.  While you will be limited due to your inability to interview people or gather records on the Joker, do not invent or interject anything into the storyline.  Just focus on what is presented in the film and write as through a social history as possible. This is intended to be a paper based on clinical knowledge & observations, and not an opinion piece.  Do not write this from the first-person point of view.  

Additionally, research another country’s (besides the US) approach to mental health treatment, what they use in lieu of the DSM, their funding sources, success rates, and what, if any, of their methods could potentially be applied within the United States?

This paper needs to be a minimum of 5 pages, not including the cover page or bibliography.  You should incorporate the material covered in this course, including readings on trauma, mental illness, their impact on development, the ACES, The Body Keeps the Score, etc. (will attach course material)

Include research from reliable sources.  All ideas need to be presented in a logical order. Introduction needs to be clear, body needs to include necessary details, the writing needs to flow smoothly, and the conclusion needs to be concise.