Humanities Homework Help

Howard Community College Pristiq Psychotropic Medication Discussion


I’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Psychoactive drugs in the Media. Find and analyze a medical ad.

In Chapter 15, you have read about medications used to treat psychological problems. Find an advertisement for one of these psychotropic medications. You are looking for an ad for a medication designed to treat a psychological problem. Don’t post an ad for blood pressure medication, for example.

Do not post an historic ad and do not post an information page about a medication. You need to find an actual advertisement. 

Here is an example of an ad for a psychotropic medication:

ABILIFY® (aripiprazole) Anti-Depressant Add-on Treatment – BMS.flv (Links to an external site.)ABILIFY® (aripiprazole) Anti-Depressant Add-on Treatment - BMS.flv