Information Systems homework help

Information Systems homework help.

As you continue to develop your ADD in your role as a software architect, use the CRM system described in the Assignment Background document to create the following additional sections in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft® Word document:

  • Use Case section:
  • Create a Use Case Diagram in Microsoft® Visio® for the “to-be” system. The use case diagram must show the major uses of the new system.
  • Include at least 7 use cases and at least 3 actors in your diagram.
  • User Stories section:
  • Create user stories for the use cases you identified above.
  • Development Methodology section:
  • Indicate how this system will be implemented through a methodology (Agile, Lean, Waterfall, etc.).
  • Explain how the development methodology impacts your architectural decisions.

Incorporate the three sections into a single Microsoft® Word document separate from the document created in Week 1. As this document is intended for a technical team, APA formatting is not required.

  • attachment

  • attachment


Information Systems homework help