Information Systems homework help

Information Systems homework help.

1-Watch the following video for a step by step guide on how to create an interactive report in Microsoft Power BI using the supplied (SuperStore Sales Data File) Excel spreadsheet from above. – Step by Step Guide Video. (
2-Create the reports from the step by step video.
3-Using the created reports, identify two unique insights to share with the sales team of the fictional business. (100-200 words per insight) and include screenshots of your insights.

  1. Example 1 –  From January 1st, 2015 – June 30th, 2015, for the central region, sales of furniture products have been most profitable in Minnesota, despite Texas leading in sales. Of the furniture products being sold, the “Riverside Palais Royal Lawyers Bookcase, Royale Cherry Finish”, has been the most profitable with all sales of this product coming from Minnesota.

4-Create a 4th tab in your report that answers the following question:

  1. Which product category has the highest total shipping cost (sum of shipping cost per product category)? – Screenshot below shows what values should be used.

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What to include in your submission?

A Microsoft Word document (not Pages from Mac) that includes the following:
1. Screenshots of your completed reports from the tutorial video:

  • Over Time Report
  • Geography Report
  • Product Category and Segments Report

2.Your two unique insights + screenshots of those two insights (100-200 words)
3.An answer to the following question with a screenshot of the visual that answers the question:

  • Which product category has the highest total shipping cost (sum of shipping cost per product category)? – Screenshot below shows what values should be used.
  • attachment

  • attachment

  • attachment


Information Systems homework help