Law Homework Help
APU Electronic Tech Cybercrimes in Cyberspace Essay
Issues, by their very nature, have conflicting or unclear resolutions, lacking universal agreement on what is right or wrong in all situations. The purpose of this assignment is to choose an issue related to ethics or law in cyberspace.
For this project you will format a research paper, in Word, using either MLA or APA style. Collect information about ethics or law in cyberspace, and explore contrasting or opposing viewpoints. Please use a variety of sources.
The body of your paper should include the following information:
- Identify the ethical or legal topic you researched
- Describe what makes it an issue
- Present a balanced analysis of the contrasting and/or opposing views
- Provide an explanation of your profession’s prescribed writing style, resources used, and how you interpreted the style for this project
You must use at least one each of the following resources:
- professional journal
- popular press
- official (government) web site
- course textbook
- partisan web site
- class discussion post/entry
- weblog
Your paper should be formatted as follows:
- Typed and double-spaced
- Sections
- Introduction to your issue
- Contrasting and/or opposing views
- Analysis of views
- Proposed issue resolution
- Explanation of style guide used
- Reference List
- Page numbers should be included in the header
- In-text citations and reference list/works cited appropriate for the source and for the style used