Management homework help

Management homework help. In Week 1, we will discuss the differences between organizational theory, organizational development, and human resources management (HRM) in healthcare. This is an important topic for a healthcare manager/leader because you have to be able to use organizational theory to describe, analyze, understand, and improve healthcare organizations based on patterns of organizational design and behavior. Organizational development can help you increase the healthcare organization’s ability to work through planned interventions in the organization while focusing on how to conduct a process and innovation as well. On the other hand, the human resources (HR) function focuses on recruiting, managing, and providing direction to the people who work in the healthcare organization.
Your Learning Objectives for the Week:
Evaluate the differences between organizational theory, organizational development, and human resources management in healthcare.
Analyze the implementation and usage of current management strategies within healthcare organizations.
Compare and contrast leadership theories, and assess which theory is most effective.

Management homework help