Management homework help

Management homework help. FINAL COURSE PRESENTATION

  • Individual task.
  • Of the five options below, choose THREE. Your presentation should include reflections on what you’ve learnt in class in relation to the concepts you’ve chosen, and how you have been able to apply them, using specific examples. References and bibliography must be documented in Harvard referencing format. This is NOT to be a simple summary of materials covered in class, it is crucial for you to show how you’ve been able to apply your knowledge in order to satisfy the requirements of this assignment.


  1. What are some of the most important elements to consider when constructing and delivering a persuasive message?
  2. In what ways can visual aids enhance or diminish the effectiveness of a presentation?
  3. How can rhetorical devices be used to enhance a message?
  4. How can active listening skills make you a better communicator?
  5. What are the most important skills to consider when delivering your message?


  • Your presentation should be between 4 and 7 minutes long.
  • You must submit your slides on Moodle and share the video narration via Sharepoint or Onedrive. Below is an instructional video to help you:
  • In the absence of a computer microphone, consult with your professor about alternatives for providing audio narration.
  • Any outside sources must be cited/documented using Harvard referencing.

Assignment Launch: Week 10.
Submission: Week 13 – Via Moodle (Turnitin). Submission will be accepted all Week 13: From the 4th to the 10th of May at 23:59hrs (Barcelona/CET time).
Weight: This task is a 40% of your total grade for this subject.
Outcomes: This task assesses the following learning outcomes:

  • Understand the difference between oral and nonverbal communication.
  • Demonstrate the ability to research, prepare, and deliver individual oral presentations.
  • Apply acquired skills od effective oral communication in different settings.




Presentation Exceptional
Marginal Fail
Knowledge & understanding
Student demonstrates superior understanding of the main concepts and principles pertaining to the theory delivered in class and awareness of current areas of debate.
The student has gone beyond the class content and provided clear referencing.
Student demonstrates good understanding of the theory delivered in class, applying some relevant knowledge to the question (some minor details might be missing). Student demonstrates some understanding of the theory delivered in class, applying some knowledge to the question (key details might be missing and there may be some irrelevance) Student demonstrates little understanding of the theory delivered in class, applying very little key knowledge to the question. Key details are missing and irrelevance is present. Student demonstrates an insufficient understanding of the theory delivered in class. Key knowledge is not applied to the in question and information is of little or no relevance.
Student selects appropriate support from data or real-life experience to support their argument, and has incorporated these data into the presentation in a coherent way. Student selects mostly appropriate support from data or real-life experience to support their argument and has made a good attempt at incorporating these data into the presentation. Student makes acceptable effort to select appropriate support from data or real-life experience to support their argument. Student makes little effort to select appropriate support from data or real-life experience to support their argument. Appropriate support from data or real-life experience to support arguments is insufficient or absent.
Critical evaluation
 Student relates concepts and principles to underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches well. Some attempt may be made to engage critically with these frameworks. Student sufficiently relates concepts and principles to underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches. Student makes some effort to relate concepts and principles to underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches. Some connections and relationships may be weak. Student makes little effort to relate concepts and principles to underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches. Some connections may be weak or inappropriate. Student does not relate concepts and principles to underlying theoretical frameworks and approaches.
Student communicates their ideas very clearly and concisely, making excellent use of visuals to support their message. And has used technology appropriately without letting it impede communication. Student communicates their ideas clearly and concisely, making good use of visuals to support their message. Good use of technology, some camera angles or backgrounds or audio impede message at times. Student communicates their ideas with some clarity and concision. Visuals are used to support their message successfully at times. Student communicates their ideas with limited clarity and concision.
Visuals support their message with limited success.
Student fails to communicate their ideas clearly and concisely. Visuals are poor and do not support the message.


Management homework help