Management homework help

Management homework help. Personality Type Indicator Assignment
Due (Bb only): 11:59PM Sunday, April 26
Qualifies for JHB Writing Center Credit
• 50 points
• 300 written words
• APA/MLA – 1” margins – double spaced – real sentences – spelling/grammar
all count.
• Please follow instructions as written –
The Process:
1. Watch this video:
2. Take the test –
3. Take the test when your alone, calm, cell phone free, and focused.
a. Don’t over think the questions – You don’t need to outsmart the test.
b. No need to rush, though don’t go too fast.
c. Simply read the question and choose the best answer.
4. List your personality type as the paper title i.e., ESFJ-T or INFP-A
a. On the same website, investigate the various job preferences,
tendencies, strengths and weaknesses, etc.
5. Discuss your answer for the following questions:
a. Are the professions assigned to your personality type, as described on
the website, similar to what you have already planned for your future?
b. Discuss what did you discovered you didn’t know you didn’t know
about you?
c. Discuss how knowing your own personality type as well as
understanding that others have different personality t

Management homework help