Management homework help

Management homework help. BCO121 ETHICS IN BUSINESS: Re-sit                          Task brief & rubrics
This assessment is INDIVIDUAL; Students must respond to ALL questions; Students will be expected to CITE and REFERENCE their sources of information, failure to do so will be considered PLAGIARISM.

  • 1 – (300 – 400 words). Discuss sustainability and its implications using the main approaches to business ethics and corporate social responsibility as a basis for your discussion. Use examples to illustrate your points and explain the importance of ethics in decision-making and the impact on corporate performance.
  • 2 – (400 – 500 words). In what ways might a luxury fashion brand e.g. LVMH, Gucci etc. try to develop its relationship with its customer and employee stakeholders? Explain the factors that might make it a “company of choice” as a place to work? Discuss to what extent you believe luxury goods firms are ethical organisations?
  • 3 – (400 – 500 words). Explain how environmental policies and regulations introduced by government help to address the adverse effects of business on society in terms of human rights and the natural environment. Discuss to what degree you think governments have been successful in their efforts.
  • 4 – (400 – 600 words). Describe some of the ethical issues and dilemmas that commonly occur in managing a business. Explain in detail the impact of each issue on different stakeholders e.g. supervisors, suppliers, investors etc. In each case, identify those who you consider to be responsible for the issue and those who are accountable.


  • Each of the questions come with the minimum and maximum amount of words to be used in your answers:
  • Therefore, the MINIMUM amount of words to be used is 1500, and the MAXIMUM is 2000.
  • Appendices and References, if used, do not count towards the final wordcount.
  • Font: Arial. Size: 12,5pts. Line spacing: 1,5. Text align: Justified.

Submission: On Moodle, Sunday 24th of May by 23:59 CEST.
Outcomes: This task assesses the following learning outcomes:

  • LO1: Understand the concept of sustainability and its implications and become familiar with the main approaches to business ethics and corporate social responsibility
  • LO2: Specify the ethical and social consequences of an alternative and understand why ethics are an essential dimension of decision- making
  • LO3: Learn how to make ethical judgments and integrate them in the decision-making process
  • LO4: Understand commonly occurring ethical issues and dilemmas in managing businesses
  • LO5: Relate ethics to the performance of organizations
  • LO6: Determine how to improve the responsibility of business on respecting human rights and the natural environment, promoting human development and contributing to a better society
  • LO7: Communicate in terms of responsibility and accountability.
Marginal fail
Knowledge and Identification of the main Issues
Identifies and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the main issues / problems in the case study Identifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of most of the issues/problems.
Identifies and demonstrates acceptable understanding of some of the issues/problems in the case study Does not identify or demonstrate an acceptable understanding of the issues/problems in the case study
Student applies fully relevant knowledge to the situation provided Student applies mostly relevant knowledge to the situation provided Student applies some relevant knowledge to the situation provided. Some minor misunderstandings may be evident. Student applies little relevant knowledge to the situation provided. Misunderstandings are evident.
Student assembles a coherent response to the question, providing a range of support and justification that leads to a well-reasoned conclusion Student assembles a good response to the question, providing support and justification that lead to a well-reasoned conclusion Student assembles a fair response to the question, providing some support and justification that lead to a well-reasoned conclusion. Minor misunderstandings may be evident Student’s response to the question lacks coherence. Limited support and justification are provided that may or may not be well linked to the conclusion
Student communicates ideas extremely clearly and concisely. Compliance with the guidelines on font, size, line spacing and text align will also be taken into account. Student communicates ideas clearly and concisely.  Compliance with the guidelines on font, size, line spacing and text align will also be taken into account. Student communicates ideas fairly clearly and concisely.  Compliance with the guidelines on font, size, line spacing and text align will also be taken into account. Student attempts to communicate ideas clearly and concisely, with some problems.  Student does not follow the guidelines on font, size, line spacing and text align.


Management homework help