Management homework help

Management homework help. ESSAY: Applying Criminological Theories
(100 POINTS)
Your writing assignment for this course is to write a 4-6 page paper based on one of the films
assigned: “Over the Edge,” “Parasite,” “Office Space,” or “Boyz in the Hood.” Your job is to
take one (or, at most, two) of the crime theories we learned about in class, and apply it/them to
the events depicted in the film you choose. To do this, you must consider and understand the
theories we discussed in class (review the materials from the lecture, the handout provided in
class on the different theories, and descriptions of the theoriesin course readings).
After you’ve developed an understanding of the theories we’ve discussed in the course, you will
want to consider which theory you would like to use. First, you’ll need to decide if you think
the events in the film are better explained by an individualtheory or a structural theory. For
example, if you think that parenting is an important part of what happened in the film, you may
wish to choose an individual-level theory. On the other hand, if you think there is something
overall about the people in the neighborhood that is the main reason for the criminal activity,
you may want to choose a structural theory. If you choose an individual theory, focus only on
one (or at most, two) of the characters depicted. Second, you’ll want to consider whether you
think the criminal activity in the film is due to a lack of control (control theory), or because
crime is being learned (learning theory). Those things should help guide your choice of a
theory. In addition, you should keep in mind that some theories are harder to categorize, like
Labeling or Strain Theory.
Some theories may explain the events in the film better than others. However, even if you feel
the theory you’ve chosen does a good job of explaining what happens in the film, you will still
need to critically analyze the theory: Does it perfectly fit the crime(s) shown, or are there parts
of the theory that do not apply or work correctly?
Here are some suggested theories you might use:
Individual: Social Control, Self-Control, Differential Association/Social Learning (for these two,
it’s probably best to just use Social Learning Theory, which incorporates DA), Labeling,
Seductions of Crime (“Sneaky Thrills,” specifically), Social Bonds, Adolescence-Limited/LifeCourse-Persistent, Strain
Structural: Subcultural theories—Choose one of the three theories we covered in lecture—
Cohen (Delinquent Boys), Anderson (The Code of the Street), or Wolfgang & Ferracuti (Seven
Principles of a Subculture of Violence)—(butif you use W & F, please incorporate the additional
reading posted below the film instructions on Moodle, which provides more information about
that theory, since we didn’t have an assigned reading on it).
The point of this paper is to be creative. I’m mainly interested in seeing you try to use a crime
theory to analyze the events in the film. Thus, this paper is NOT an essay about the film.
CRJ 2100 Criminological Theory
Dr. Burrington
An ideal way to organize your paper would be as follows:
A. Introduction: A brief, general summary of what you’ll be doing in the paper—“In this
paper, I will use events in the film to analyze ___________ theory. I will… .” You do not need to
summarize the film’s events or its plot. Assume the reader has seen the film, knows the general
plot, and is simply interested in how you are going to apply theory to the events you see in the
B. Description of the Theory: A description of the theory you intend to use—what does the
theory say? What are its key elements or premises? Who created the theory?
C. Critical Application of the Theory: A critical application of the theory that takes the
elements or key premises/partsof the theory, and uses examplesin the filmto indicate
whether each element/key premise is supported by the events in the film. Make sure you
evaluate all elements and key premises/parts of your theory (this is why I advise choosing just
one theory). Please also make sure you provide examples from yourfilm to illustrate your
 For example, if you wanted to use Self-Control Theory, you might consider an individual
character and assess how that character reacts to perceived insults from others. Does
the characterseem especially concerned about whether their actions cause suffering to
others? Are they more physical than mental, etc.?
 The elements of a theory are the theory’s key parts. For example, a key part of the
structural theory on a “Subculture of Violence” is that you can tell how strong the
subculture is by the extent to which it is “diffuse” (adhered to by lots of people in the
area) and “penetrating” (how deeply people seem to believe in and abide by its rules).
If you think that a “Subculture of Violence” may be present in the film, you would want
to explain how many of the people shown—of all different types/genders—seem to
“buy into” it, and follow its rules without question.
 Consider Social Control Theory (Hirschi, 1969). It has four elements, remember? If you
wanted to use that theory, you’d want to discuss each of those elements and any other
important aspects that you read about in the chapter on that theory (pp. 169-177 in the
text). To what extent do those 4 elements seem to play a role in the crime (or
obedience!) you see in the film?
While considering your theory, you may find that you don’t have clear evidence one way or the
other to help you decide whether all of its key parts apply. (For example, we don’t know for
sure what happened with the characters in early childhood, so if you choose a theory that
thinks early childhood is important, you will need to address that.) If you run into this type of
situation, just go ahead and tell me what other information you’d need to “make the call”
about whether the theory does a good job of explaining the events in the film.
CRJ 2100 Criminological Theory
Dr. Burrington
D. Conclusion: A conclusion, where you size up the evidence to say whether the theory was
supported (or not).
****VERY IMPORTANT: Thus, your paper should use the following subject headings for your
discussion of parts A., B., C., and D.: Introduction, Description of the Theory, Critical Application
of the Theory, Conclusion.
Citing sources:
This assignment does not require you to do research beyond using the materials provided for
class. However, when you describe the theory, you should cite the reading(s) from the class on
that theory. I will provide you with the references for the relevant Moodle readings and
relevant sources cited in the lectures. When you’re citing the source in the text, you should use
a short citation format: (Hirschi, 2018).
Reference List: Attach a reference list at the back of your paper with the references you cite in
your paper(you will have only 1-3 references in most cases). The reference list page does not
count toward your 4-6 page count.
Other things:
I am well aware of alternate source materials and essays for purchase online. Please note that
use of a purchased essay for any portion of this assignment constitutes plagiarism and is also a
giant waste of your money since the essays you can buy don’t creatively apply crime theories,
and that’s the major determinant of your grade on this assignment. Even if you find one that
does apply crime theories, it’s probably crappy and nowhere near as good as something you
would write yourself. Trust me on this.
As you write your paper, you may find it would be helpful to bounce ideas off of other students.
In general, it’s okay to do this, but your paper must be your own work. If you and your friend
turn in papers using the same theory and same exact examples, that is plagiarism. If you and
your friend come up with some different ideas and examples, but talk through your respective
ideas to make sure they’re sound, then that’s okay.
Please run spell-check and write grammatically. When in doubt, make your sentences short
and clear. If you write well, that’s great. If you are not a writer, just make sure you are clearly
conveying your points to me. Your creative thought and careful work on this paper will
overcome a lack of skills in this area, as long as you are considerate of the fact that I have to
read what you write. Please also remember that the (virtual, now) writing center is at your
disposal if you run into trouble.
All papers should be typed, double-spaced, in either Times New Roman or Calibri font (11- or
12-point) with one-inch margins. Please also be sure to include page numbers.
CRJ 2100 Criminological Theory
Dr. Burrington
**Papers are due to the Moodle Dropbox by 5:30 pm, Monday, April 6, 2020.**
If you turn in your paper late, points will be subtracted from your paper grade; please see the
policy on “Late Assignments” in the course syllabus.
Please note—I don’t have access to my campus office and may not for several weeks, so
the office phone number is not the best way to reach me. If you have any questions, please let
me know by sending me an email. We can also set up time to chat if you send me an email with
your availability. It’s also okay to just run questions by me directly via email. Good luck!
Paper Checklist:
o Chose at least one theory and told me what the theory says
o Analyzed whether your theory was illustrated by the events in the film, and gave
numerous examples to illustrate your points
o Wrote in a formal, academic tone
o Checked spelling and grammar, and did not use contractions
o Cited sources in the text and included a reference list
o Used subject headings to organize your paper
o Put page numbers on your paper
o Used 11- or 12-point font (Times New Roman or Calibri)
o Paper is 4-6 pages (a full 4 pages at a minimum)
o Margins are no more than 1-inch all around
o Put your name on your paper
CRJ 2100 Criminological Theory
Dr. Burrington
CRJ 2100
Professor Burrington
Applying Criminological Theories: Grading Rubric
CONTENT 70 points
Introduction (5 points) out of 5
Somewhat unclear (-2)
Very unclear/no introduction (-5)
Description of Theory (25 points) out of 25
Partially incomplete/inaccurate (-6)
Substantially incomplete/inaccurate (-12)
Did not describe theory (-25)
Application of Theory (40 points) out of 40
Partially incomplete analysis, some examples not apt (-10)
Substantially incomplete analysis, many examples not apt (-20)
Did not apply theory (-40)
Spelling/Grammar (15 points) out of 15
Mild errors (-3)
Moderate errors (-8)
Substantial errors (-15)
Page Length and Format (15 points) out of 15
Short by < 1 page; minor margin/font issues; no subject headings (-3)
Short by 1-2 pages; moderate margin/font issues (-8)
Short by > 2 pages; serious margin/font issues (-15)
TOTAL 100 points
Essay Total out of 100

Management homework help