Marketing homework help

Marketing homework help. Week 6 – Final Project Part 2
Walmart Expansion Analysis – Part 2
In the Week 6 – Final Project Part 1 you submitted your Walmart Case Study paper. You will now proceed with the submission of the video presentation to complete Part 2 of your Final Project.
Walmart Expansion Analysis Final Project, Part 2: Video Presentation (5 points)
Part 2 of this Final Project is a video submission. Imagine that you are a data analyst presenting your data findings to a group of Walmart executives who are interested in the project. Your presentation will include information from your paper but should be given in a presentation format.
Please use Screencast-O-Matic (Links to an external site.) or a similar tool for your video presentation. All submissions require an upload of the video to the classroom. Submission of a link to a video does not fulfill the submission requirements. View the Canvas Video Submission Instructions (Links to an external site.) video, following the “How to Upload a Pre-Recorded Video into the Classroom” for guidance on uploading your video.
In your recording,

  • Introduce yourself to the executive team and explain your role as a data analyst.
  • Create a visual presentation to support your findings and recommendation.
  • Summarize your findings of the data set.
  • Recommend a course of action to the executive team based on your interpretation of the data.

The video presentation

Use the Submit Assignment button available on the top left side of this assignment page when you are ready to record or upload your video presentation.

Marketing homework help