Marketing homework help

Marketing homework help. 1. Explain the characteristics/properties of a discrete variable and a continuous variable with an
example for each variable type.
2. Discuss appropriate univariate analyses for discrete variables and continuous variables.
3. Explain the four bivariate analysis types (i.e., cross-tabulation/decision tree, ANOVA, logistic
regression, and regression) based on the data types of Y and X.
4. Provide an example of decision tree analysis by specifying Y and at least three Xs.
Q5~Q6. Regression analysis
5. Set up a multiple regression model, using betas and the error term, with one continuous
variable and one dummy variable for the independent variables. Specify the names of Y and Xs.
6. Interpret the meanings of the coefficients of the continuous and dummy independent
variables that you use in Q5, respectively

Marketing homework help