Marketing homework help

Marketing homework help.

Please review three items that accompany these questions – the NYT article about Nike, the Dry Idea
ad, and the Chevy ad. All are located in this folder. Successful completion of the following questions
will require you to integrate information from the Chapter 7 readings. Please provide your answers to
the following questions in the Web Exercise submission area within this folder.
1. In periods of downturns in the economy (like the recent recession), many companies greatly
reduce their advertising and promotions budgets (think of the Nike article). However, this is
not always the best strategy to pursue—think about this and briefly explain the downside of
slashing these budgets.
2. Chapter 7 addresses how budget allocations to various media are expected to change over the
next few years. Why are some media likely to receive more monies while others stay the same
or decline? How does this apply to the Nike article? How will they refocus their media
attention if they reduce their budget?
3. Different companies believe that various media are more important than others for their
marketing purposes. Briefly discuss the various perspectives taken by these companies, and
explain why everyone may not agree on the same level of importance for media.
4. View the Dry Idea ad image in this folder as an example of an ad with a sales objective.
Briefly discuss the specific types of objectives the marketer has for this ad.
5. View the Chevy ad image in this folder as an example of an ad with a communications
objective. Briefly discuss the specific types of objectives the marketer has for this ad.
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Marketing homework help