Mechanical Engineering homework help

Mechanical Engineering homework help. Lean six sigma in reducing the automotive manufacturing variations term paper & Presentation
The specific problem for you is : By lean six sigma reducing the automotive manufacturing variations and improving production
You will express your thoughts in writing with a constructed response. The objective of this paper is to design and develop a system/program; and to apply the quality, Lean, or Six Sigma tools and performance measurement to solve a specific problem.
The paper outline will be your brief summary of problem, type of industry, quality tools you plan to use in solving this problems. Post your outline to the Discussion Board, under forum “Research outline”. The length of your outline should be between 100-150 words.
The length of your paper should be between 14-16 pages for graduate students, excluding cover pages, contents, and appendices (if any). I would expect a minimum of 8 reference sources from reliable journals or books. You can supplement with additional sources. Citations should be formatted in accordance with the APA Style, edition 6th or the latest. 
The specific problem for you By lean six sigma reducing the automotive manufacturing variations
• Executive Summary
• Introduction
• General information: type of industry, company’s name, product/services, organization size (number of workers/employees), and so on.
• Selected Problem: explain the problems and involved personal/process/department, provide some background of the problem (if any).
• Solutions to the problem: develop a process/program to solve your selected problem. The proposed solutions can be only one, or two, or three options. The items that should be explained in details in your paper include:
 Goal/objective, what you determine to do…
 Tools/techniques/systems are used in the process, explain in details (texts, images, chart, graph, table,…) of your design.
 Performance measurement, how you measure the performance of your proposed solution, what criteria used in the evaluation.
 Required resources for your proposed solution to be successful (e.g. how much it costs, number of workers, software/application, worker training program,…)
• Summary and Conclusion
• References
Note: To identify a problem and solution, you should understand the definition of ‘problem’ and ‘solution’. A Problem is a situation in which what exists does not match what is desired, or put another way, there is a discrepancy between the current state of affairs and the one desired. Problem-solving in a total quality setting is not about putting out fires. It is about continual improvement. There are tools and models that can be used in problem-solving.
Power point Presentation or
Your presentations will be viewed by the class through a file you upload in the blackboard thread. There will not be a real-time, synchronous aspect of the presentation. This will eliminate problems with equipment and schedule conflicts in the final chat.
The requirement is a 5 to 7 minute presentation that delivers the information from your paper in an engaging and effective manner.  You need both audio and visual components to the presentation since you will be posting it rather than talking about it. Aside from that, you have creative license for your presentations. The most basic presentation would be Powerpoint slides with audio recording embedded in the slide, but your options are limitless. You could make a video, embed video in a powerpoint, use prezi, the options are limited only by your imagination.
If you go for slides, try to avoid ‘teacher slides;’ don’t make them wordy and devoid of sanguinity. Remember your presentation is a combination of audio and visual, not an onslaught of both at the same time — please do not fill your slide full of text and read it to us.
Here are some tips on slide presentations: (This is an effective example of what not to do)
There are myriad sources on the Google for tips on effective voice recordings, videos, etc. Browse best practices based on the delivery system you choose.

Mechanical Engineering homework help