Operations Management homework help

Operations Management homework help. Risk Management Plan Instructions
You will construct an 8–10-page Risk Management Plan. The plan is to be constructed with a particular project in mind. The project may be a current project, proposed project, or project gleaned from research; however, the risk management plan must be original for this assignment. PMBOK, the course text, and other literature may be consulted to construct the risk management plan, but it must contain at least the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Project description
  • Risk scope and objectives
  • Risk management methodology
  • Tools for risk assessment (including a Risk Assessment Form, a Risk Assessment Matrix, and a Risk Response Matrix)
  • Risk communication plan
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendices

Included in the appendices will be a completed Risk Assessment Form, a Risk Assessment Matrix, and a Risk Response Matrix for the selected project.
The Risk Management Plan must include a title page, a reference page (at least 3 references are required) and appendices of the 3 charts noted above.
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 6.

Operations Management homework help