Operations Management homework help

Operations Management homework help.


For this assignment, you will have the opportunity to combine all you have learned throughout the course into a well-prepared project management plan. As the Signature Assignment, you will address how you, as the project manager, will manage the project scope, timeline, costs/budget, quality, risks, procurements, human resources, and communication. Your project management plan will demonstrate how you plan to address the project needs, while managing your team, stakeholders, tasks, and deliverables.
For this Signature Assignment, you will include the following enhanced artifacts created in Weeks 1-7 of the course. An enhanced artifact is one in which the feedback your professor has provided has been incorporated and/or applied to the original assignment, thereby increasing the quality of the final submission. Some of the required information from previous artifacts may be listed in bulleted format or charts/tables, while other areas require narrative. Your final submission should not be simply a collation of artifacts from Weeks 1-7; it should reflect improvement and a thoughtful presentation of course content.
Your Project Management Plan should include the following:

  • Title page
  • Project Introduction, including a background summary of the problem or challenge your project will address.  Ensure to describe the project need, setting (region, community, or company’s name), stakeholders, project team, and other essential information to identify and explain the context of the project properly (Week 1)
  • Project Goals and Scope (Week 1)
  • Project Charter (Week 2.1)
  • Project Requirements Gathering Plan (Week 2.1)
  • Project Management Approach, including your WBS/Gantt chart, task, deliverables, and timeline (Week 2.2)
  • Project Communication Plan (Week 3)
  • Project Risk Management Processes (Weeks 4, 5 & 6)
  • Project Procurement Plan (Week 7)
  • Project Human Resource Management Plan (Week 7)
  • Project Summary, which is a summary of the overall project that incorporates how project quality will be ensured
  • Project Manager Reflection
    • As the project manager, share your thoughts about the project management process. Questions you might consider addressing include but are not limited to: What aspect(s) of the plan did you find most beneficial? What were your challenges? What skills are needed to effectively lead a project and its team? Which of these skills do you feel you currently possess and which do you feel you need development?
  • Reference page

Length: Include a minimum of 12-15 pages.
References: A minimum of 7-10 references are required.
Your plan should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.  Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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Operations Management homework help