Science Homework Help

UG Psychology Phobia Study Essay


There 3 Chapters with questions to be answered.   700 words , APA format, 

Phobia Study

Imagine that you are a research psychologist developing a treatment to manage phobias. Phobia refers to having an irrational fear, and you get to determine which fear you plan to treat. For chapters 1 through 5, weeks 2 through 6, you will be applying the concepts from the chapters to come up with a proposal for a hypothetical research study to develop a cure for the phobia.

Remember to share your IDEAR! Identify, define, examples, analysis, and references.

Introduction: You are designing a hypothetical research study to determine if a treatment is effective in treating phobias.Identify and define the phobia you plan to treat.What is the name of the treatment you created to treat the phobia? (2-3 sentences)

Scientific Method

Chapter 1: The Scientific Method (50 points)

You are designing a research study to determine if a treatment is effective in managing a phobia.  

  • What phobia do you plan to treat ( Please use fear of  elevators , it can be a made up phobia ) What is the name of the treatment you created to treat the phobia?
  • How do you plan to determine the effectiveness of your hypothetical treatment? Identify the hypothesis, the independent and dependent variables, and how you plan to conduct the research study. Is your study a correlation or experiment? Explain. Be creative!

How you are being assessed: 

  • Methodology (Study’s Design): What phobia do you plan to treat?Identify the hypothesis, independent and dependent variables. Describe the methodology or how study will be conducted.Who will your participants be? What will the control group do in the study?What will the experimental group do?  (20 points)
  • Type of Study: Explain whether the study is a correlation or experiment based on how the study will be conducted.  Identify type of study (correlation or experiment), define the term, give examples from your study’s design to support your argument that it is either a correlation or experiment, and analyze what it means for it to be a correlation or experiment.  In other words, what can we say about the results if it is a correlation or an experiment? (20 points)
  • References: Cite your sources using APA format! Remember to define the psychological concept in your own words! If you are directly citing a source such as the textbook, remember to use quotation marks and include in parenthesis the source’s last name, year, and page number after the citation. Include a parenthetical citation even if you are paraphrasing and not directly citing the source. Remember to include your source in the reference section at the end of your essay using APA format. (10 points)


Type of Study

Neurons and the Brain

Chapter 2: Neurons and the Brain (50 points)

  • Neurotransmission: How do neurons communicate? Explain the process of neurotransmission. In your description, be sure to include the neural impulse, what happens at the synapse, and identify and define the parts of a neuron labeled in the image below. Note: Keep the image of the neuron as part of your essay, you can refer to the numbers in your explanation. (20 points)
  • The Brain: The two behaviors that you are targeting are fear (negative emotion) and the fight or flight response. What part(s) of the brain do these behaviors stem from? Identify the parts of the brain and explain their function. (10 points)
  • Neurotransmitters: What neurotransmitter(s) does your treatment use?Why did you choose these neurotransmitters?In other words, what is the effect that you are looking for?Explain if the neurotransmitters are to be used as an agonist or antagonist.Agonists are drugs that bind to certain receptors in the brain and activate them. Antagonists binds to the receptors and block them. This prevents the receptors from producing a certain response.Will the neurotransmitters take effect all at once or will there be a scheduled order for the neurotransmitters to take effect? Explain. Make sure that you clearly connect the part of the brain with the behavior that you are targeting, and the neurotransmitter used to target the behavior. (10 points)
  • References: Cite your sources using APA format! Remember to define the psychological concept in your own words! If you are directly citing a source such as the textbook, remember to use quotation marks and include in parenthesis the source’s last name, year, and page number after the citation. Include a parenthetical citation even if you are paraphrasing and not directly citing the source. Remember to include your source in the reference section at the end of your essay using APA format. (10 points)


Figure  1. Parts of the neuron.

The Brain


Sensation and Perception

Chapter 3: Sensation and Perception (50 points)

Remember to share your IDEAR! Identify, define, examples, analysis, and references.

  • Define sensation and perception. Analysis: What is the difference between the two terms and how do they apply when experiencing a phobia? Give examples of each to support your argument. (10 points)
  • Identify and define sensory adaptation. Hint: Make sure that your definitions focus on our senses rather than our emotions. Give an example of how your participants experience sensory adaptation when it comes to encountering the source of their fear. Analyze what your goal is for your treatment as it applies to sensory adaptation. (10 points)
  • Identify and define sensitization. Hint: Make sure that your definitions focus on our senses rather than our emotions. Give an example of how your participants experience sensitization when it comes to encountering the source of their fear. Analyze what your goal is for your treatment as it applies to sensitization. (10 points)
  • Identify and define desensitization. Hint: Make sure that your definitions focus on our senses rather than our emotions. Give an example of how your participants experience desensitization when it comes to encountering the source of their fear. Analyze what your goal is for your treatment as it applies to desensitization. (10 points)
  • References: Cite your sources using APA format! Remember to define the psychological concept in your own words! If you are directly citing a source such as the textbook, remember to use quotation marks and include in parenthesis the source’s last name, year, and page number after the citation. Include a parenthetical citation even if you are paraphrasing and not directly citing the source. Remember to include your source in the reference section at the end of your essay using APA format. (10 points)

Sensation and Perception

Sensory Adaptation


