Writing Homework Help

Seattle University Communication Model Discussion


https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability (Links to an external site.) 

The chapter is largely devoted to explaining the evolution of theoretical models for conceptualizing the communication process. The early “linear model,” whereby communication is assumed to have starting and stopping points, was by most accounts overly static and rigid in its depiction of communication. It was thus, updated by the “transactional model,” whereby communication does not have such clearly defined starting and stopping points. The fundamental difference in presumption between the two models is that according to the transactional model, we are simultaneously both senders and receivers of communication whether we intend to be or not. 

Please choose 2 of the discussion options below and discuss:

  1. Compare and contrast the linear and transactional views and give examples of each that you’ve experienced 
  2. Outline communication principles and give examples of each. 
  3. Respond to the “Artificial (Un)Intelligence and Communication (In)Competence” article on page 23. 
  4. Take an intercultural approach to this week’s discussion and outline strategies described at the end of the chapter in focusing on passive observations, active strategies, and self disclosure. 

*** For week 1, I want you to watch the Ted Talk linked here and give a brief description of your thoughts on it. Just simply add to your existing discussion for the week. It’s not directly related to linear or transactional models of communication discussed in Chapter 1. But as we start off in a discussion of interpersonal communication, I think this Ted Talk is helpful to modulate internal and interpersonal dialogue.