Science homework help

Science homework help.

Prior to beginning work on this lab, read the Stream Morphology investigation manual.  This lab enables you to construct a physical scale model of a stream  system to help you understand how streams and rivers shape the landscape  and how human actions can affect river ecosystems. This lab is done  with materials that you will need to supply; the list of items you will  need to obtain is in the Stream Morphology investigation manual.
The Process
Take the required photos and complete all parts of the lab assignment  (calculations, data tables, etc.). Use the Lab Worksheet as a resource  to complete the Lab Report Template. Transfer any answers and visual  elements from the Lab Worksheet into the Lab Report Template. You will  submit the Lab Report Template through Waypoint in the classroom.
The Assignment
Make sure to complete all of the following items before submission:

  • attachment

  • attachment

  • attachment


Science homework help