Science Homework Help

Herbalife Nutrition in Health and Exercise Chart Worksheet


Hi :), I have to make a video by myself on based on information about the the topic Herbalife (Tell if the product actually works based on research or why it doesn’t work, and the lies people tell about the product). So I would really appreciate it if you can do it very clear and easy for me . I would like to have a chart with the reasons why the product works and in another section why does not work and lies that people tell about the product. My professor did not give a specific length requirement for the video. But I would like there to be a good enough amount of information in the chart to answer the topic well and so that I can easily make a video based on the information in it for the average length of a social media video, which I think runs between 3-5 minutes. So I guess between 400-750 words in the chart would be enough? Kindly be sure to include in-text citations and reference page for information included in thd chart in APA format. I also copied the exact the information that my professor gave for the assignment below to give you a better idea of what the assignment is all about.

Make a social media video like you see on Facebook or Instagram selling a supplement or diet. In the first video I want you to pick a supplement or diet that is popular on social media and does not do what people claim it does (i.e. essential oils, herbalife products, etc.) In the second video, I want you to make a truth video about the product (this you never see on social media). Tell if the product actually works based on research or why it doesn’t work, and the lies people tell about the product

Herbalife (Tell if the product actually works based on research or why it doesn’t work, and the lies people tell about the product).